August 31, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 96


Episodes 96

Ring Around the Riddler

Plot:Riddler has a plan to take over Gotham’s boxing industry

Guest Stars:Frank Gorshin makes his triumphant return as The Riddler

Trivia:As I noted we’d get teases for next week’s villain instead of death trap cliffhangers. So here we see tomorrow’s villain Siren helping Riddler and in the end mesmerize Gordon to set up our next episode. Why do one at a time? Also, Madge Blake’s health was declining and only appeared twice this season. This is one of them. The other episodes her absence was explained away.

Niitpick:Great to see Gorshin who was sorely missed in season 2. By the way did you know Gorshin would play Riddler one more time? Yeah in the 1979 variety special “Legends of the Superheros” which also had Adam West and Burt Ward reprise their respective characters. Never heard of it? Keep it that way! Seriously!!!!

Bat Silliness:The Bat Signal summons Batman for once. Riddler has developed the power to appear and disappear at will. You may think this I just lazy, but… is.

Bat Gadget:But uses a bat stethoscope and that’s about it. I think I may hate season 3.

Bat Trap:None (aside from a he magnet)

Final Thoughts:The boxing episode is one of the biggest cliche’s on TV and it only makes sense Batman would do one. These episodes are almost always terrible. Riddler is obviously after the prize money We see Brice and Dick watching TV when the last episode ended with Gordon alerting Batman and Robin to the Riddler. See why that doesn’t work? Riddler has kidnapped a boxer. When I saw Batman and Robin try to figure out something by reaching out to Barbara Gordon, rather than the Bat Computer, my groan was very loud. At lease we finally see Barbara and her father together. Using Siren, Riddler manipulates his way into the boxing ring to face Batman. The boxing is as boring as it usually in these kind of episodes. I totally zoned out. Then Riddler chats by magnetizing Batman to the floor! How does he get out of this one? Batgil takes care of it so Batman can stand there like a big dope. Don’t get me wrong, she’s awesome when she does this. It’s just that makes Batman look foolish.

Grade:B+, the pace is better than yesterday’s, we even get a token female, but why did parts of this feel like an episode of Batgirl that happened to have Batman and Robin in it? The fight could have been better but Gorshin is as great as ever.

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