August 29, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 93&94


Episodes 93 & 94

Ice Spy/The Duo Defy

Plot:Mr Freeze wants to build a weapon that will freeze the entire world

Guest Stars:Eli Wallach as Mr.Freeze

Trivia:More foreshadowing for Barbara Gordon, this is the final episode of the season so that makes sense. I tease but I actually give this show lots of credit. Rather than just throwing this new character at us next season we not only get some foreshadowing for her but an explanation where she’s been. Rather than pretending she was always there or just appeared of thin air having never been mentioned before like shows will do (see Chekov on Star Trek as an example).

Niitpick:It seems like in these last few episodes of the season we’ve had more Bruce Wayne than usual. Coincidence or was West looking for less cowl time?

Bat Silliness:Freeze uses a seal as a courier. And one of my favorite scenes happens as Gordon talks to Bruce and Batman at the same time on the phone. I do like how we can see how Adam West does play both roles differently. Bruce is more laid back and Batman more intense. It’s one of West’s best scenes.

Window Cameo: Carpet king Cyril Lord appears. Who was he? Let’s just say he sold the producer some rugs!

Bat Gadget:anti eavesdrop bat plug and the Batmobile can be activated by remote.

Bat Trap:Batma and Robin in a subzero vaporizing cabinet

Final Thoughts:We hear the word ice about four times in the first two minutes. Guess we know the villain. Mr.Freeze is set up in a fake iceberg which is kind of cool (no pun intended). The professor who has the formula he needs has it in his head only. So Freeze puts him in a freezer. Meanwhile our woman for the episode helps the plan, I do like it better when they at least participate. She at least gets a backstory, being a skating queen. Though of course she feels bad when Batman and Robin are almost killed. There is no point in saying what happened in Part 1 because it is a total waste of time. Part2 the actual plot begins (seriously, though to be fair the episode acknowledges this!). As last time Mr.Freeze threatens to freeze the world unless he gets paid. So how does Batman find Mr.Freeze? He uses a tracker on a seal, and then homes in with the bat copter. Sure.

Grade:C-, Nothing special here, weak story with no plot and lots of padding. Should have been a single episode.

So, now that I’ve seen all three Mr/Freeze episodes who do I think is the best?

Yeah. Premminger was the best in my opinion even if the episode wasn’t perfect? I also feel like apolohizing for being so hard on the episode he was in. Much better than this one!

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