August 6, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (Return to Tomorrow)

 Here is an episode that I love, which is amazing because it's a romance episode. So far I have not liked these more than I have liked them. What makes this worst? Well, it isn't the romantic stuff. Sometimes all it takes is one or two awesome moments. 

Plot:Three survivors from a race that died half a million years ago "borrow" the bodies of Enterprise crew members so they can build android bodies for themselves.

Guest Stars:Diana Muldaur as Ann Mulhall

Nitpick:There was a deleted ending and it's to bad because it was cut the ending wraps things up better than the one we got. I made this comment before but was Sargon just being dramatic in the opening? He says if he goes to oblivion all mankind must as well. And that's exactly what happens in the ending! Finally, why does everything go back to androids in classic Trek? Was cloning that inconceivable in 1968?


Teaser-The Enterprise is in a region of space light years from where anyone has ever been. Something has activated the ships defense signal relays, but they are not sure what. They arrive at a long dead world, when a voice is heard on the Bridge. He says his name is Sargon and he is as dead as his planet. When Kirk shows fear Sargon insists he not pass by since if what is left of his society is not saved, all mankind must perish as well. 

Act 1-Kirk has decides that since contact with alien life is their primary mission, they will risk contact. Spock is reading energy under the planet, which Sargon confirms is him. He explains that he has locked their transporters onto the location miles under the planet surface. And will ensure that the transporter is capable of safely sending the crew there. Spock scans a chamber with acceptable life support. Kirk tells Spock to stay behind, but then the power goes out. Kirk takes the hint and invites Spock along. In the Transporter room is Dr.Anne Mulhall who says she received an order to report to transporter duty. Kirk asks who ordered, and she isn't sure. Spock says she probably did get an order, similar to the way Kirk was "ordered" to bring Spock along. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Mulhall with two guards stand on the pads, and Sargon activates the controls but only the four beam down. They enter a chamber where a large globe sits pulsating, and Sargon says that it is he. Inside he globe is the essence of Sargon's mind, ages ago they had bodies. Sargon says their civilization was destroyed when there minds got so powerful they dared to consider themselves gods. Kirk asks what he wants, and Sargon proceeds to swap minds with Kirk. Sargon, in Kirk's body, relishes the feeling of living again. Sargon says that they need their bodies, so they can live again.

Act 2-Sargon leads the landing party into a room where only two other beings survive. Thalasa, Sargons wife, and Henock from the other side. They tried to preserve their race and Sargon was tasked with searching for someone who could help them. He explains he does not wan to steal their bodies, just borrow them. McCoy points out that Sargon is burning Kirk's body up but he promises to switch back before the limit is reached. Spock asks what they need their bodies for, and Sargon explains they need to build humanoid robots to move into permanently. Then they can travel the universe teaching othes not to make their mistakes. Finally the time is up and Sargon and Kirk switches back. Kirk explains that he knows what Sargon wants, and doesn't fear him. Which the other find hard to believe. Sargon lets them go back to their ship to discuss the proposal, and promises them if they say so they can leave as freely as they came. In the briefing room, Scotty is aghast at what they want to do and McCoy clearly have reservations. He finally asks why they should take this risk. And Kirk launches into my favorite speech of his, look it up it's awesome. He says risk is our business, and the argument sways them all to agree. In the sick-bay, Kirk, Spock and Mulhall swap minds. Sargon and Thalasa reunite, but after a few minutes they fall ill. Henoch is fine, Spock's body used to the higher metabolism, so Sargon tells him to prepare a metabolic reduction injection which will allow them to safely inhabit the bodies. In the lab Henoch prepares the hypo's but when Chapel notices one is different Henoch telepathically controls Chapel. Since Sargon would not allow him to keep Spock's body, it is his intention that Kirk's body dies, so Sargon will die with him. 

Act 3-McCoy comments that everything is proceeding as promised, and yet he is filled with concern. In the lab work on the androids (robots?) continue. Sargon and Thalasa start to reminisce, until Sargon decides that he'd rather not remember. Henock enters and comments on how their new bodies will have no feelings of any kind. Sargon says their minds will have survived. Sargon feels dizzy, but says he is fine and leaves the room.  Chapel keeps looking at formula's, sure she needs to say something about them but can't remember what it was. Scotty comments in the lab that he doesn't believe what they are making will work, but Henoch mockingly tells him that it will. Henoch calls the androids a prison, and says that Sargon has closed his mind to the idea of keeping the bodies they have. Thalasa says that they are not there's to keep, but Henoch is getting closer to convincing her that she hates the plan. In a briefing room Thalasa goes to see Sargon but instead finds him ill. Thalasa discusses staying in their bodies now, saying that injections will not be necessary forever. Sargon says they don't have that choice, but living in a machine is not living. Sargon then passes out, and when McCoy arrives he declares him dead.

Act 4-Sargon was to far from his receptacle to transfer out, he is dead. However McCoy is able to keep Kirk's body alive, but Kirk's essence is still in the receptacle and there is no way to transfer him out. In the lab Henoch has completed work on the android body but Thalasa refuses to live in that, thing. In the sick-bay Thalasa explains to McCoy that she can save Kirk, but in exchange she wants her silence as she keeps Mulhall's body for herself. McCoy says he will not peddle flesh, but Thalasa uses her powers, powers Sargon would not let them use, to punish McCoy. Then she stops, realizing that Sargon was right. The temptations of a himan body is to great. Suddenly, Sargon is heard saying he is pleased she discovered that herself. Thalasa explains that Sargon is living within the ship, and then Chapel appears. Thalasa makes McCoy wait as Sargon's plan is enacted. Chapel exits without a word, and when McCoy goes back in he finds Mulhall is herself again, and Kirk is alive and himself. The receptacles have been destroyed-including the one still holding Spock's essence! Kirk says it was necessary and tells McCoy to prepare a hypo, the fastest poison to Vulcans. They need to kill Spock's body, and the thing in it. On the Bridge, Henoch is taking over and when McCoy walks up with a hypo Henoch is able to freeze him. Henoch tells Chapel, standing by him, to take the hypo and inject McCoy with it. She takes the hypo-and inject Henoch instead! Henoch says he will just flee, until he feels Sargon's presence. In a panic he flees and his destroyed. Spock falls to the floor, apparently dead. However, Sargon says that he could now allow Kirk to suffer the loss of someone so close. There is a light, and Chapel almost faints just as Spock gets up. Sargon let McCoy think the hypo was poison, it was not. Kirk asks where Spock's consciousness was kept, and it was inside Chapel. Chapel says that was why she was summoned to sick-bay, the two shared consciousness together. Sargon and Thalasa know they cannot permit themselves to exist in their world and must depart into oblivion. Kirk and Mulhall allow the two to have a last moment together. 

Final Thoughts:What could have been a boring episode (you may have noticed I skimmed the romantic crap) works because of a few cool scenes. Diana Muldaur makes the first of several appearances on Trek, though I think she does better in her next episode. Leonard Nimoy shines as Henoch making him so sinister. We get the epic Kirk speech, and of course the climax which is awesome. That hard cut to Uhura screaming with the music blasting. I like the implication that Uhura made an effort to stand up to Henoch. Then the fake out with Christine, and of course the reveal that Spock's consciousness was kept inside her. It's just a great scene I can watch over and over again. It makes up for the relative slog that is Act 3 with Sargon and Thalasia pawing at each other. Though in fairness McCoy does a great job carrying much of the show on his own, including his scene where and argues with Thalasia. And yes that's James Doohan doing the voice of Sargon, and that always amazes me. 

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