August 29, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (The Mark of Gideon)

This episode is kind of the opposite of yesterday's episode. I really liked it when I first saw it but over the years I've realized just how silly aspects of it really are. The original treatment for this episode is online and wow, what a different episode it would have been had they not re-written it so heavily. 

Plot:Kirk is held captive on an empty duplicate of the USS Enterprise.

Guest Stars:Sharon Acker as Odona, David Hurst as Hodin

Nitpick:We'll go with the obvious, how in the world did they manage to recreate the entire Enterprise on a planet as overpopulated as Gideon? 


Teaser-The Enterprise is orbiting the planet Gideon, a candidate for Federation membership despite being isolationists. They refuse to allow a delegation on the planet or even let the ship scan the planet. They have requested just one representative on their soil, and insisted it be the captain of the Enterprise. Kirk comments to Spock that the reports submitted to the Federation imply Gideon is a paradise. Spock then energizes the transporter and Kirk beams down....only to reappear on the transporter pad. However Spock has disappeared and Kirk soon discovers that none of the crew are on board. 

Act 1-As Kirk roams the empty hallways, he notes that he has not found a soul. The only thing he is sure of is that he suffered a memory lapse during which his arm to became sore, but has no idea how it happened. On the Enterprise, Ambassador Hodin calls wondering when Kirk is going to arrive. Spock is confused say he just beamed down. Hodin says that Kirk never arrived, and as Spick checks the systems he insists if Kirk never arrived that its their fault and not Gideon's. Spock agrees and insists he beam down but Hodin reminds Spock of their tradition of isolation and that Kirk was only allowed. Though Hodin does promise to execute a thorough search. As Kirk wanders a woman suddenly appears. She says her name is Odana. She doesn't seem to know how she came to be there. Kirk asks where she came from, and she says she isn't sure. She was in a crowded auditorium, so crowded she could barely breathe. Then suddenly she was on the ship, with all the space. On the Enterprise Uhura has not hears back from Starfleet regarding the situation. On the Bridge Kirk mentions Gideon and Odana doesn't seem to know what Gideon is. Kirk activates the viewscreen and they are no longer over Gideon. Kirk speculates that they are there for a reason, and Odana admits she is frightened.

Act 2-On the ship Hodin calls to report that they have confirmed Kirk is not on the planet. He says they can pursue the other options and forget Gideon. Spock tries to explain that is not satisfactory, but Hodin manipulates his words. Spock tries to ask for permission to beam down again but Hodin is not convinced the transporter is working. Hodin allows them to bema up another representative to confirm that the transporter is fine. However, afterwards Hodin still refuses to let Spock beam down and says he will take up the matter at the next meeting of Gideon's council before closing the channel. Spock tells Uhura to contact Starfleet and demand a reply. On the other ship Kirk is trying to contact Starfleet but doesn't seem to be getting through. He then drops the ship out of warp, and when Odona notes it feels the same Kirk realizes that it might be the same. The viewscreen shows they dropped out of warp but Kirk is becoming skeptical. He asks Odana why the people on her planet crave being alone so much. She says it's because they never can be. There is no place, no street, no house, no garden, no beach, no mountain that is not filled with people (very nicely delivered line). They would willingly die for it, if they could. Kirk escorts Odona off the Bridge and behind them the view changes from stars to people filling every section of the screen. 

Act 3-Kirk and Odona walk about the ship and Kirk comments on his bruise and how he could cure it with a med kit. Odana asks if he would die if he did not and Kirk says not for something that minor. It would heal itself eventually. Suddenly Kirk hears a pounding on the ship. They got to a viewport where people appear, and then stars. Kirk says it felt like the heartbeats of dozens of people pressing on the ship. Kirk is beginning to realize what is happening. Suddenly, Odona begins to feel faint and pass out. As this happens, Hodin and the council members watch on a viewscreen. Kirk helps her to his quarters when Hodin and two guards appear. Kirk isn't that shocked, figuring the Enterprise was fake by then. He asks Hodin to let her get some help but Hodin explains she has no need for medical aid. Saying his daughter has done a great job, and that Kirk will be needed for a very long time. 

Act 4-On the Enterprise, Spock has contacted Starfleet but he refuses to allow Spock to beam onto the planet. Even though the admiral accepts that Kirk was kidnapped that isn't enough for them to violate Gideon's rules. Odana begins to get sicker and Hodin comments on how proud he is of her. Spock says that he will disobey the order and go down anyway. He goes back to Kirk and explains they know what she has, Vegan choriomeningitis a rare disease that almost killed Kirk when he suffered from it. Hodin explains that his prime minister discovered this and that is why they insisted on Kirk arriving on the planet. His blood provided the microorganisms that infected her. Kirk comments that is how he was injured, and Hodin apologizes saying they have no need for medical expertise here. On the Enterprise Spock knows that Gideon has not been honest with them so Spock has decided to violet a direct order and beam down. Kirk yells that the report about Gideon was all lies, but Hodin insists that it was true at one time. Gideon became such a paradise that the life span increased making death almost unknown. So the birth rate and the population grew and grew until the planet is now encased in a living mass. Kirk points out alternatives that could help them such as sterilization or contraception but Hodin says that there love of life is to great. Except they can kill Odana. Hodin explains they are trying to adjust the life cycle and that she volunteered to do what she is doing. Hodin explains he will stay, his blood will provide the virus. Kirk realizes they hoped he would fall for Odana and want to stay and become a willing sacrifice. Spock arrives on the fake bridge and is amazed at the exact duplicate. He continues his search for Kirk. Kirk sees Odana and says if she doesn't get treatment soon she will not make it. He says even if she lives her blood can still provide the virus, but Hodin comments her death at such a young age will give the people hope. Spock suddenly appears, and Kirk grabs Odona as the three beam back to the Enterprise. Later, McCoy was able to cure her in time and she doesn't understand why Kirk isn't angry at her for blatantly lying to him. She explains she must return to Gideon, and save her people. 

Final Thoughts: Points for the message on overpopulation but man is this script full of plot holes. Not only did they have room to build the ship but they did so perfectly, how? Even Spock calls it an EXACT duplicate! What was the point of the duplicate Enterprise? Odona could have seduced Kirk anywhere why did it need to be on the ship> Spock says it is meant to confuse Kirk but for what? Awhile back I discussed how stupid Hodin and his plan is. Does he really think that the Enterprise is just going accept his word that Kirk is not on planet and go on there merry way? Does he really think Kirk will just give up his life to help there cause? Kirk could have infected anyone why Odona? Hodin explains they have no medical expertise to explain how Kirk's arm was damaged, but how were they able to successfully suppress his memory of the blood draw? Isn't introducing a new virus on a population with no resistance incredibly stupid? Are they trying to wipe out the entire population? Kirk mentions other alternatives they could employ in the episode, from birth control to sterilization, and there are even more like moving people off planet or building along the oceans (which we know the planet has). Why don't they just ask Starfleet for help? I get that they are isolationists but even in TNG the Xenophobic cultures weren't afraid to ask for help when they needed it. And why is Starfleet so afraid of upsetting Gideon? They aren't even Federation members and they are so scared of a "diplomatic incident" even though they know Kirk was kidnapped. The admiral says something about a war, really?? This writing is so lame when Spock calls from the fake Bridge for some reason McCoy asks if the duplicate Enterprise is in orbit. Spock gives him a "stupid answer for a stupid question" response. Are there any good things? Kirk and Odona do have a nice chemistry, and it's always nice to see our characters going back and forth. And they do a decent of job of showing the overpopulation problem on the planet with the background extras crowded so close together they can't even stand still. I can't say I hate this one which is trying to get a good message out, Hodin is sympathetic if also an idiot and I like Odona, but wow the plot holes. I liked the idea the episode starts with, Kirk alone on the ship, but it goes off the rails. In fact this episode is best summed up this way.....

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