September 19, 2020

Top 10 Worst Batman TV Show Villains

I wanted to do this list a long time ago but my memory of the show was so hazy I didn't bother. Well now that I've fixed that by watching all 120 episodes, we can finally discuss the ten villains I thought were the worst. There were a lot of villains that came through this show, and some were obviously better than others. What about a favorite list? Nah because that would be so easy it's not fun. Joker would be #1. 

So in order to make this list the character needs to be a complete fail. Sometimes a lame villain can be brought up by a good actor having fun playing them. And other times a great villain can be done in by an actor who isn't interested at all. These ten have the whole package. 

September 18, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode120 + more


Episodes 120

Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires

Plot:Minerva has been using a machine to discover where her wealthy customers keep their valuables

September 17, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 119


Episodes 119

The Entrancing Dr Cassandra

Plot:Cassandra has a pill which can turn criminals invisible, and breaks six arch criminals out of the Goham Penn to commit crimes.

September 16, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 118


Episodes 118

The Joker’s Flying Saucer

Plot:Joker plans to build a flying saucer

September 15, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 117


Episodes 117

I’ll Be a Mummy’s Uncle

Plot:While mining for a rare mineral, Tut accidentally finds the Batcave!

September 14, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 115&116


Episodes 115 & 116

The Great Escape/The Great Train Robbery

Plot:Shame escapes from prison with a new plan.

September 13, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 114


Episode 114

Penguin’s Clean Sweep

Plot: Penguin taints money with a sleeping sickness so he can claim it himself

September 12, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 113


Episodes 113

Nora Clavicle and the Ladies Crime Club

Plot:A woman’s rights activist uses her power to replace Gordon and O’Hara with women officers as part of a plan to blow up Gotham with explosive packed Mice.

September 11, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 112


Episodes 112

Louie’s Lethal Lilac Time

Plot:Louie plans to corner the lilac perfume market and kidnaps Bruce and Dick

September 10, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 110&111


Episodes 110 & 111

The Funny Feline Felonies/The Joke’s on Catwoman

Plot:Catwoman and Joker team up to find some gunpowder

September 9, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 109


Episodes 109

The Ogg Couple

Plot:EggHead and Olga are after some expensive caviar

September 8, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 108


Episodes 108

Catwoman’s Dressed to Kill

Plot:Catwoman targets the fashion industry on an attempt to steal the Golden Fleece

September 7, 2020

Batman (1966) Episodes 105, 106, 107


Episodes 105 & 106 & 107

The Londinium Larcenies/The Foggiest Notion/ The Bloody Tower

Plot:Batman travels to London (er, Londinium) to solve a spree of baffling robberies

September 6, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 104


Episode 104

Surfs up! Joker’s Under!

Plot:Joker wants to be the best surfer in the world.

September 5, 2020

Batman (1966) Episodes 102&103


Episodes 102 & 103

The Ogg and I/How to Hatch a Dinosaur

Plot:Egghead and Olga, Queen of the Cossack's team up to kidnap Commissioner Gordon

September 4, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 101

Episodes 101

Louie, The Lilac

Plot:Louie The Lilac has cornered the flower market so he can control the “flower generation”. I think this episode was made in the 60’s.

September 3, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 100


Episodes 100

The Unkindest Tut of All

Plot:King Tut predicts crimes in a plan to confuse the police so he can commit the crime of the century

September 2, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 98&99


Episodes 98 & 99

The Sport of Penguins/A Horse of Another Color

Plot:Penguin teams up with Lola Lasagna to rig a horse race

September 1, 2020

Batman (1966) Episode 97


Episodes 97

The Wail of the Siren

Plot:Siren schemes to be the richest woman in Gotham