June 30, 2024

Top 5 Worst Superman Movies

 So one thing I’ve never done is rank the Superman movies. There’s one simple reason for this, they’re obvious. They were pretty much released in order of quality! But which are the five worst? Ah..let’s discuss! 

It’s funny. I love Superman but these movies are so lousy I never watch them. This is the kind of character that just works better on episodic tv, movies don’t work. So the question is, which one has the more memorable moments? Something in them that I can point to and say “yeah, I like that”. 

And only live action movies are counted. 

#5.Man of Steel

This movie did a few horrible things that tainted it including passive Jon Kent and the meaningless neck snap. Worst of all, Supermen not caring about people as they are getting hurt. But at least Henry Cavill plays a good Superman and he has decent chemistry with Amy Adam’s. And points for having a new villain and an idea that hadn’t been done to death. And if you’re wondering I decided justice league didn’t count.

#4.Superman 3

This was a hard choice. What is it that makes me put it here? The junkyard scene. Yeah I’m sorry I love that scene and it saves the movie for me. The reason mos is top is because they made this a comedy and say what you want about mos, at least the tone is right. This one did a lot of stupid things but hey, who can forget the lady turning into a robot?

#3.Superman 4:The Quest for Peace 

Do I need to explain why? The story is a mess, the effects are a joke, and the movie tries to hard at being wacky at times. I don’t recall seeing it for the first time but when I caught it on a rewatch I was amazed at how lane it was. 3 managed one decent scene. This one? Not so much unless you want a laugh. The only plus is it’s still Christophe Reece and nothing can ruin That. And the fight with nuclear man isn’t bad either. 

#2. Batman vs Superman 

This movie is dark and depressing. And Superman barely is in it. And when he is, he’s brooding! Granted the titular fight isn’t bad but man the crap you have to wade thru to get to it. At least 4, with all its problems, feels like a Superman movie. This feels more like a Batman movie and is just depressing. 

#1Superman Returns

It’s like there was one mission on this movie, make every mistake you can make! The casting is wrong. The story is wrong. The action is wrong. The effects are..passable. Ughhh  Few movies pissed me off like this and it has not gotten better with age. In another article I tried to give some credit to this movie, but overall it’s just boring. Unless you like seeing Superman lift things over and over. And yes we’ve learned since that Brandon routh is capable of playing this part, but here he’s awful whether it’s from bad direction or he’s just trying to hard. The movie just sucks. I was gonna do a “5 Things I liked” on this one but….i got nothing. Rather than being engrossed in the story I was waiting for it to be over. 

So there you have it, feel free to disagree. And if you’re wondering I have no confidence in that new movie coming next year. Sounds like they’re throwing anything and everything at the wall to see if it’ll stick.

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