July 14, 2024

Top 10 TV & Movie Batman Actors (live and animated)

 So while in the past I’ve compared some of the Batman’s we’ve gotten but not all, or aspects of them like there designs, but I decided it was time to finally rank them all together. Live action, animated, tv and movies.. who was the best Batman? 

So I am taking into account the character as a whole, which version is the Batman I prefer? The one thing I’m not including are the serials. I’m sure that actor did a great job, but I’ve never seen them. Same with the video games which I’m also not counting. 


I just talked about this so won’t go on long. I rewatched this minute and couldn’t believe how awful he was as batman. Man talk about bad casting meeting an actor not even caring. I mean dude at least change your voice!!!


No way I could leave this one off. I loved the Superfriends cartoon growing up and to this day, this is the voice I hear when I read a Batman comic. But…yeah it’s dated and even silly. In fact this version is often mocked for the lame science he’d spout. 


So I’m just gonna admit it. I hated this movie. It was to violent, to gritty, to dark and most of all-to damn slow! Wtf was up with the pacing ?  And in the end Pattinson s Batman didn’t work for me. Yeah Batman should be dark but he needs occasional lighter moments too and this was three hours of brooding. But at least he was trying, more than I can say about Clooney. And I love it’s a mystery, why do the movies always forget he’s a detective


This was the hardest one. In fact I talked myself into changing it. He only did it once, was clearly trying to do what Keaton did, and there were no attempts to make him something different. It’s basically Keaton Batman just played by a different actor. 


Not much to say here for as silly a concept as this was they definitely did a good job making Batman feel like Batman. Even if it times he feels more like Linkaras parody of Batman.  


Now before you get the pitch forks out let me explain. Bale was great as Bruce Wayne but as Batman…I mean the costume looked silly, the voice was ridiculous, and he didn’t spend enough time as the character imho. Those three movies are fantastic…but are they really Batman movies? 



If this Batman wasn’t so blood hungry I’d be easier on him. Because I really like what Afflek did with it. The only thing I liked in that stupid Flash movie were the scenes he was in, he really knew how to make the character feel, for lack of a better word, real. 


People remember the goofy stuff this Batman did, which was fair, but they also forget what they got right. Batman is smart and he’s quick, he’s got his secrets and protects them, he can fight and he can come up with gadgets to help in every situation. The one thing missing is the darkness, you gotta love how he’s always operating in broad daylight even I hate that. But it was the silver age and West nailed the role. 


So this is about as perfect as you’re gonna get live action in my opinion. I love how every change was for the better, from the costume to the gadgets. Yeah there are little things that I would have loved to see, they totally botched the relationship with Gordon for instance, but this is the Batman I want to watch. The best part is Keaton is someone in a million years you would never imagine as Batman…but he sells it perfectly!


This is here because this really was the perfect version. And not just because of the voice either which was fantastic. It was dark, but not to dark. It was episodic like the comic books. They remember other characters (and villains beside the joker) exist. They remembered that he wasn’t just a crime fighter but a detective too. Bruce Wayne was a presence not just there for a gag and then gone for the story. The show even introduced things that have been part of Batman lore! Even the costume is its own thing while being close to the comics. If you want to see a live (albeit animated) version of the comics this it my friends. 

No disrespect to the performers I didn’t mention. Agree? Disagree? Comment and let me know 

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