June 25, 2024

Five Things I Liked in “Batman & Robin”

 As you may know I like to do things I like in bad movies and thinks I hated in good movies. But there’s one little movie I’ve ignored up to now. Because, what’s to like? But I decided after almost thirty years it was time to rewatch:

I literally have not seen this since it came out. It premiered June 12, 1997 and killed the Batman movie franchise. But is it really that bad? Yeah….lets discuss 


Cmon, give me an easy one! Yes I know it’s the same music as the other monies so it shouldn’t count. And not only do they overplay it but it doesn’t match the lighter tone. But it’s still nice to listen to. 

Bruce Wayne 

A lot has been said about George Clooney in this movie and deservedly so. He’s just awful as Batman, bringing nothing to the role. And while he’s underacting as Bruce I do think those scenes are where he shines. I’ll get more into this in a bit. 

Mr Freeze

Arnold was miscast, no question but the real problem here was either script or direction. Mr.Freeze is a tragic figure so the puns and jovial attitude fail. However, there are some decent moments when Arnold is allowed to act, mostly when he is sad over his wife, that do work. If they’d had more of that and less ice puns it might have been better. 

Uma Thurman 

The one character I liked was Poison Ivy. It stayed true to the comics and Thurman is the only one who feels like she’s trying in these scenes (crappy dialogue notwithstanding). But bringing in batgirl to fight her lame. But don’t get me steter with what they did whet Bane! It’s like Venom in Spider-Man 3, why have him in it if you’re not going to properly utilize him???

The Alfred Subplot 

I’m not saying it was perfect but this was the only story which was a bit interesting. Yeah Clooney isn’t trying and Silverstone looks bored, And yeah the fact it’s the same illness that freezes wife had is lame (gee I wonder how it will end). But it still works, a big part of why is because it was the same actor who played Alfred the last three movies. Bruce and Alfred have a special relationship in any version so taking a look at that isn’t a bad idea.  Also so much of this movie feels like a beat to beat retread of Batman Forever, this was the only stuff that really felt new. 

The movie is bad. At the end of the day, it’s just boring. One chaotic set piece after another. And as I’ve noticed they clearly cast it for Star appeal not whether the people were right for the roles. Batman Forever worked because Jim Carrey s charm shined thru. Here the jokes are forced and ruin whatever tone they were going for. 

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