Peanuts has been around for ages now with no end in sight. After 71 years, these characters aren't going anywhere! I love the characters from Charlie Brown to Linus to, of course, Snoopy. But of course they can't all be great and some were so bland they literally faded away over the years. Some didn't but weren't liked much regardless. Here are my five picks for worst Peanuts characters.
#5.Peppermint Petty & Marcie
I know lots of people would expect to see her as #1, but while Patty has her flaws she has her nice moments. For example her frustration at Marcie in the Easter special still makes me laugh. She will admit when she is wrong and I like how she isn't perfect in school. But she can also be such a bitch, from her lusting over Chuck in the New Year's special to what she does in the Thanksgiving special. As for Marcie, I really don't know what to say. She's clearly there to be Patty's conscience. I wish her character developed more.
I hate this little brat. I'll never know why he was added, but all he does is annoy me as he takes time away from the other characters. He had his own special and all he does is ramble through the whole thing.
At least Pig Pen had a thing, Shermie had nothing going for him. He was Charlie Brown's best friend in the old days. But Linus took that spot and Shermie was just kind of fazed out. I think these days he hangs out with Jon Arbuckle's old friend Lyman. Though at least Shermie made one TV appearance.
I have no problem with the fact that they added a black character into the strip. That was actually a smart choice considering. What I do have a problem with is that the character is so boring. He just seems to be there, to be there. He is goes to Patty's school and is on the Baseball team. And that's about it.
Where Lucy had enough heart and charm to make her lovable when she was being crabby, Violet not so much. She was just a mean girl who was usually harshest to poor Charlie Brown. Even in the Christmas special, one of the few she appears in, Lucy is trying to be kind to poor Charlie it's Violet who gets downright nasty. It's not shock she would vanish from the strip after awhile never to be seen again. By the way I always confuse Patty with Peppermint Patty, easy mistake since Patty had less character than Violet did and faded just as fast.
This is all in fun of course these characters have been around for decades for a reason. With no end in sight!
I kind of like Pepparmint Patty.
ReplyDeleteEven if she can be bitchy at times, she is normally nice enough.
And as for Marcie, I believe that she actually is one of my favorite characters in this franchise.
And I agree with you that Violet is horrible.
Re-Run, Shermie and Franklin never made an impression on me whatsoever.
Sometimes I don't like Peppermint Patty, but sometimes she's a funny character.
ReplyDeleteI think Marcie was developed enough and is a good character. The Peppermint Patty and Marcie duo is a good one.
I think Re-Run is just okay, and so is Franklin.
Shermy is just boring.
Violet is a horrible character who is just mean for no reason. At least Patty and Lucy can be nice sometimes. She is just downright nasty.