July 31, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (A Private Little War)

 Well my friends we have a tough one today. I never liked this episode because it's so dark and depressing. Of course, if you're going to parallel the Vietnam War than that's only natural. I admit it's gotten better as I got older, and understand it more, but this is still far from a favorite. Will it better on a re-watch, years later?

Plot:On a planet with a primitive civilization, the Enterprise discovers that the Klingons are providing a Stone Age society with increasingly-advanced weaponry.

Guest Stars:Nancy Kovack as Nona, Michael Witney as Tyree

Nitpick:The Mugatu may be one of the worst alien designs in the series entire run 


Teaser-Kirk, Spock and McCoy are on a scientific mission on primitive planet. They looking over the footprint of a Mugatu, a large ape like creature. Kirk comments on a survey he did there years ago as a lieutenant. The people are peaceful and never fight amongst themselves. In this distance they hear people, and can see they are carrying rifles which are years beyond where the technical level should be. A band of men, including Kirk's fiend Tyree, is coming toward them about to be ambushed. Phasers are forbidden so Kirk throws a rock to alert of the ambush and they scatter for cover. McCoy calls for an emergency beam up but no before Spock is shot in the back. Kirk helps him up and the three beam safely away.

Act 1-On the ship, Dr.M'Benga and Chapel begin treating Spock. McCoy comments if he was human, he'd be dead by now. A red alert brings Kirk to the Bridge, a Klingon ship is approaching. The Klingons seem to be unaware of their presence, and Kirk wants to keep it that way. Kirk wonders how they could have developed firearms, and Uhura, Scotty and Chekov offer possibilities. Kirk snaps at them, and then apologize saying he's worried about Spock. M'Benga has experience with Vulcans so he is in good hands when Kirk tells McCoy he has to go back to the planet with him. As they prepare Kirk is warned the Enterprise may have to leave orbit to avoid being discovered. Despite orders not to interfere or contact with the natives Kirk has decides he has no choice. A few minutes after beaming down, Kirk is attacked by a Mugato and poisoned by its fangs. McCoy destroys it but Kirk is injured and he only has a few supplies, and the ship is out of orbit now. The Hill People have found them, and McCoy insists they bring them to Tyree to save Kirk's life. 

Act 2-The two are brought to the village. McCoy has learned that the people are compassionate and gentle. Tyree is not a leader and is expected to return with his wife Nona who may be able to treat Kirk. Tyree and is wife are following men with guns, commenting that thet must obtain them also. They are interrupted by a villager explaining that Kirk is waiting. In the cave Nona sees McCoy firing a phaser at rocks to keep them warm, and is intrigued. Nona wants Tyree to explain who Kirk and McCoy before she helps them, but he refuses. However Nona says if Tyree does not tell her, he will not help Kirk. On the Enterprise, Chapel is watching over Spock and M'Benga says that he is working on healing. Tyree and Nona enter and Nona uses a Mahko root on Kirk. She cuts her hand and then her blood and Kirk's mix. Kirk seem to recover and falls asleep. McCoy moves the root and the wound is gone. Nona says that he belongs to her now. Tyree says that no man can refuse a woman when they have been joined this way. 

Act 3-McCoy wakes up and finds Kirk in the next room. He is officially reunited with Tyree. Kirk says he knew Tyree would help him, and asks about the weapons. On the ship Spock is still recovering. He tells Chapel to call if he shows any sign of consciousness, and to do whatever he says if he speaks. Tyree explains the fire sticks  appeared about a year ahp and the villagers are producing them. He says he has not seen any strangers, when Kirk asks if they can ho at night Tyree warns of the Mugatu. Nona interrupts commenting on the tools Kirk and McCoy have, they insist they are just strangers. Kirk says he is grateful to her but cannot provide weapons that grow faster than their wisdom. Nona is disgusted and Tyree says he will not kill anyone. McCoy says that if the Klingons are arming the villages there may be a way to balance things out. An idea that disturbs Kirk. Tyree leads Kirk and McCoy to the village. A man walks into a room where a Klingon awaits. Krell tells the man to bring in the one who did the most killings. He also mentions new improvements to the rifles so they function better. Kirk and McCoy are forced to hide, but the tricorder gives them away. There is a struggle with the Klingon, interrupted by even more men with guns. 

Act 4-Kirk, McCoy and Tyree manages to flee the villagers. In Sick-Bay, Spock asks Chapel to hit him. She refuses but when he insists he tries anyway. The pain will help him regain consciousness. Finally, M'Benga comes in and slaps him several times before Spock tells him that is enough. Spock explains it's a Vulcan form of self healing. On the planet Kirk is teaching Tyree and his men how to use a rifle accurately. McCoy pulls Kirk aside, upset that Kirk has done this. It violates the prime directive. Kirk says that the Klingons interfered with the development of the planet. McCoy is worried about a never ending war. They mention the 20th century Asian brush wars, and how they went for years and years. Kirk says that if one side at armed one side with over powering weapon, it would have been devastating. The only solution is balance of power. Tyree still refuses to fight, and Kirk hopes to convince Nona to convince him. Spock returns to the Bridge, it's close to the time to rendezvous with Kirk and McCoy. Kirk tries to talk with Nona but she things that Kirk is captivated by her. Tyree see the two and is about to shoot Kirk out of jealousy, but can't do it. A Mugatu attacks Kirk and Nona, and Kirk is able to vaporize it before it can do any harm. But Nona is able to slug Kirk and steal the phaser. Nona rushes to the enemy villagers to show off the phaser. Tyree and McCoy find Kirk, and that the phaser is missing. The villagers attack Nona instead (of course she becomes helpless against the men). Tyree distracts them and Nona is stabbed. They attack, shooting McCoy, but are finally defeated by Kirk and Tyree. Nona is dead, and angered Tyree asks for more weapons. The ship contacts them, and Kirk and McCoy are relieved Spock is alive. Kirk asks Scotty how long it would take him to produce 100 flintlocks. And they say they are tired and want to go home. 

Final Thoughts:So is the episode better? I don't hate it as much as I did. This is another episode that isn't bad per se, I just don't care for it. The Klingon in the episode may be the worst Klingon in the entire series, boring. Of course the debate is good one, and I think Kirk may have been wrong to do what he did. Arming is never the best way to go, course I hate guns in real life so this probably isn't a debate I should continue here. 

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