June 13, 2020

Ten Best Super Powers

Of course one of the reasons to love superheroes is because of all the super awesome stuff they can do. Today, let’s go over the ten best super powers that our favorite heroes have. And since so many heroes share powers, let’s focus on the powers and less on the actual hero. You may be wondering, what about the heroes who are more tech based? We’ll get to them my friends.


Shape Shifting

There’s no power quite like being to shift into someone’s else’s shape. Martian Manhunter has used this technique to great effect as a detective. As had Beast Boy from the Teen Titans, who can turn into any animal. Metamorpho can also shape shift to anything he wants. Probably the most famous is Mystique, who is awesome but also a villain.





Well of course flying. Heck that would be the one power I would want. But, it really doesn’t work if that’s all the hero can do. There has to be something else. Superman is probably the first thought most think of but others fly (minus technology) including Wonder Woman, Power Girl, and Thor.





Super speed

This is the one that may be hardest to visualize. Can you imagine going so super fast that everything around you seems to screech to a halt? It’s a cool idea especially if you’re running late. Flash and Superman have fought over who was the fastest several times over the years. But don’t forget Quicksilver in Marvel.




canary cry

This one is starting to get more popular over the years. It was something Black Canary could do all the way back in the 70’s, but recently it’s become a big deal. Maybe because thanks to her appearances on TV and movies we can visualize it better. It’s quite a power, emit a sound so piercing that it immediately shuts down your enemies. It’s also specifically her’s no other heroes has this ability.





Body Morphing

For some reason this is a real popular one. Plastic Man, Elongated Man, Mr.Terrific…even Jimmy Olsen once upon a time! Honestly I am not sure I get the appeal to be able to stretch all over the place. But it works and usually these characters are the more fun to read about.





Elemental Control

The ability to literally control and manipulate the elemnts of the Earth should be a game changer. Firestorm could restructure it however he wanted. Geo-Force and Terra could control it and make it attack you. The Human Torch turns into living fire while Iceman is solid ice. Did they ever team-up? Metamorpho is a walking element set and of course don’t forget the god of thunder, who can control the weather itself!





Pretty obvious but magic as a tool can be quite powerful. So powerful it can be hard to give these heroes limitations. Whether they be Dr.Fate from DC or Dr.Strange in Marvel, controlling the mystic arts means serious trouble for evil. Zatanna, Silver Sorcerous and The Spectre just to name a few.





spider abilities

Like Black Canary , Spider-Man is relatively unique in his power set. Where you can take almost all of these and apply them to a few heroes, there really aren’t many who can do what Spider-Man can do. Shoot web, crawl walls, and have cool spider sense to alert him of trouble. Yes I know sometimes he has organic web shooters and sometimes they’re not organic, but I prefer to think of them as organic. I think it takes something away from the character when he used the wrist worn one’s. Even without the web shooters at all he has some pretty cool and unique abilities.




mutant abilities

There are so many that it seemed fair to just give them this description. Mutant abilities, in short, are super human abilities people have at birth. They weren’t acquired by some strange accident and these are not aliens. These abilities can be as awesome as the power to control the weather or as simple as Wolverine’s bone claws. Add in telekinesis, shape shifting and the absorbing powers Rogue has (just to name three) and you have some awesome skill, even if people in the Marvel universe don’t see that way.




Super Strength

It’s funny how even though Superman owns flying, it’s Captain America who owns the strength category. I mean, who would you rather see punch someoe out? Maybe that’s because Superman has other powers so by the time you get to a good left hook that seems kinda underwhelming. When Cap does it, he’s doing it for America! Hulk, Thing, Wonder Woman, and plenty more make this power work.





Did I miss one you think should be here? Daredevil’s enhanced senses are awesome but not enough to be mentioned here. And Aquaman is cool but who wants to talk to fish? Next time I take a look at the heroes who have no special powers and abilities above normal man. They have to find other ways.

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