August 2, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#3

 Today we present what happens when you run out of ideas! 

#3.Treading Water 

Featuring Torpedo 


Now I’m not doing these in order, that I know of, so it’s possibly this was one of the last ones produced. Why do I say that? Because it’s so stupid! 

First of all, why not save the kid rather then staring at him telling how to tread water? Yeah I know- what if he weren’t there? But he is! Second, the kid is probably panicing so he’s not going to listen to you!

And then there’s how the kid got into the situation. Not lame enough that he was standing at the very edge of the ledge, but it gives away for no reason! What?? The fall should have hurt him and why was there no debris? Usually these work because a kid is about to make a mistake and has to be explained why it’s a bad idea. Then they try to cram in a “don’t play around water alone” message at the end which doesn’t work because that isn’t what the kid was doing! This is lame. 

While better animated than yesterday the ridiculousness of the situation hurts the moral. If this taught you to tread water that’s fine, just hope you didn’t have to fall of a cliff to figure it out.

By the way, Dukes cameo at the end is the only PSA he appears. Why? 


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