August 26, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#27

 It’s amazing how much stupid you can put in 30 seconds. 

#27.Dont fight 

Featuring Cutter 

Where do I start? First of all it almost feels like a re do of the teamwork psa. It just has more arguing. Second, the kid was clearly safe. Third. How the heck do you play baseball with no ump? It appears to be an organized game, where are the adults? Fourth, did the benches really need to clear I mean cmon! And finally at the end they point to some kid watching from behind the fence to ump. Why was the kid watching? Why wasn’t he asked if wanted to play? Maybe he doesn’t want ump, maybe ask? 

Sure the lesson is a good one but no with this setup. It just doesn’t work with a sports analogy. Make it two kids arguing about something, like who gets the last cookie or who gets to ride shotgun.. idk, and it could have worked.

But not only is this is a stupid setup with a preposterous resolution but it feels rehashed since the teamwork one covered the same ground. 


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