March 23, 2019

Top 10 Favorite “The Simpsons” Celebrity Cameo’s


  1. Like you, I wouldn't call myself a true "Simpsons" fan. But I have watched several episodes over the years. However, I am now off the show totally until the creators apologize for a recent stupid decision of theirs. It is of course about how they removed the Michael Jackson episode, because two liars are slandering him ten years after his death! Well then. If you want to boycott Michael, I will boycott you in return.

    And as for why Michael agreed to do this cameo, I believe that he really wanted to do it because he liked "The Simpsons". And they would return the favor by letting Bart and Homer appear in the end of his "Black or white" video. Even so, he had to do it under a psuedonym. And he was not allowed to sing any of his "real" songs.

    1. Doesn't surprise me but it's no stupider than the removing Apu from the show altogether!!
