July 31, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#1

When I was growing up and growing out of cartoons, the last cartoon I watched daily was G.I.Joe. I loved that show and never missed it at 4:30.

One of the more memorable parts were the tags. It was a stupid rule that all children’s shows had to have some educational element (god forbid kids just be entertained). He-Man has Psa’s but they were usually lame attempts to connect the episode to a world lesson. Sometimes they worked but usually they were forced. 

G.I.Joe offered basic health and safety tips. Kids would be in a situation and a Joe would appear to talk them out of it safely. There were 35 produced of course some better than others. At first I wasn’t sure which to cover. Then I thought, why not all of them? 

So that’s what I’ll do, run thru one a day and give my opinion if the psa was good or not. Of course this is all in good fun, these are 40 years old almost! Let’s start with…

#1.Dont run away 

Featuring Shipwreck 

July 14, 2024

Top 10 TV & Movie Batman Actors (live and animated)

 So while in the past I’ve compared some of the Batman’s we’ve gotten but not all, or aspects of them like there designs, but I decided it was time to finally rank them all together. Live action, animated, tv and movies.. who was the best Batman? 

So I am taking into account the character as a whole, which version is the Batman I prefer? The one thing I’m not including are the serials. I’m sure that actor did a great job, but I’ve never seen them. Same with the video games which I’m also not counting. 


I just talked about this so won’t go on long. I rewatched this minute and couldn’t believe how awful he was as batman. Man talk about bad casting meeting an actor not even caring. I mean dude at least change your voice!!!