August 13, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#14

So this was from before leash laws?

#14.Stray dogs

Featuring Mutt

Ugh, this one is a toughie. First of all, does this happen a lot? To be fair I never lived in a city where this is clearly set. Yes I know dogs can run away, but still. And how are you supposed to check his tags to find the owner if you don’t get near him? 

But it’s not horrible advice and at least it’s not a ridiculous as hell scenario like yesterday. I may have added to call the police or animal control before just walking away, he may need help! Don’t just ignore him! This may have worked better if it was a more rare animal known to possibly be rabid like a fox or raccoon.

Who the heck is Mutt? Actually I looked it up and he is in charge of the K-9 unit so extra point for having him in this since it would be up his alley. 


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