August 10, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#11

 Well finally found one dumber than the tread water one 

#11.Get Glasses (?)

Featuring Ripcord 

Don’t get me wrong, having your eyes tested is fine advice. Thr lesson is fine but the setup is Awful 

First of all, how does Ripcord know this was the problem? Could he see the same POV shot we saw? Second, maybe the kid just sucks at Baseball! That’s what I’d assume. And third, did the glasses just appear? It takes days even weeks to get glasses! How much time passed between cuts or does Ripcord just spend his days hanging out there watching kids play? Maybe if they’d use a Joe who had a medical background. 

This should have been another “practice” psa or if you had to do the check your eyes nonsense, set it in a school with a kid upset he can’t follow along in class. 

Ugh usually these are general lessons on safety anyone can learn. This one is to specific. Sad to say, The Brady Bunch did it better!  Not even well animated from his disappearing gloves to the kids crossed eyes at the end.  


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