August 12, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#13

 Who the heck is Quick Kick?

#13.Plan (yeah that’s it) 

Featuring Quick Kick

Guess I really did have my favorites when I watched these, don’t remember him at all!

I wondered if we hit any truly bad ones but here we are. Wow is this one bad! It makes me want to apologize to the treading water one. How rushed was that tree house that it fell apart like that? And if it was that how did it support the kids weight so long? Is the kid Superman, how did banging it send it down like that? 

Maybe if we had seen him half ass building it this might have worked better. Planning doesn't help if you have no idea what you’re doing and have no one helping you! Awful. Where did Quick Kick come from anyway? 

Won’t make it an F because at least Quick Kick saves the kid, which is better then having Torpedo just watching the kid almost drown (I really hated that one)


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