August 28, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#29

 Yeah this one is very relatable 

#29.Getting lost 

Featuring Alpine

Once got lost in a store as a little kid. Man that was a scary five seconds! 

The scenario is good and the advice sound. But this psa has a huge problem. It should be about the brother being more careful about watching his younger brother! Heck when the brother finds him not only isn’t he worried he’s almost mocking him! Nice. I’d kill for Alpine to give him a word. 

At least there’s no stupid advice about going up to strangers!  I got a chuckle at how they muted the theme until the kid runs into Alpine. Were they setting a mood? 

This feels different then the others which is nice. 

Grade;B-, the Cosby show did it better??

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