August 31, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s #32

Is 911 not a thing in this world either? 

#32.Passing out 

Featuring Airtight

Yeah nice try with this one. Obviously this can happen but whet you should do is call for help. Not let a creepy stranger loosen the kids clothes. Man would this not fly today.

I like the advice about the washcloth. Yeah use that wet cloth you were keeping up your a** (because why would they have that in a mall?) that’ll help! Using Airtight was bad since there’s nothing about him that suggests he’s a professional, big surprise this video has comments turned off. Why not use Doc? 

Not lifting his head is fine advice but he should have stopped there. Anyone notice he gets the cloth from a paramedic who vanishes in the next cut? Sometimes these expect to much from kids, no harm in just calling for help! At least when Saved By The Bell did this setup we knew Slater had been trained in first aid as a lifeguard. 


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