August 11, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#12

Well I know someone who missed that Punky Brewster episode I talked about before 

#12.Dont get in things that can trap you 

Featuring Recondo

I joke but this is really similar to that Punky episode. The kids are playing hide and seek just like it and it’s a refrigerator that traps the kid. The big difference is it doesn’t take an eternity for them to check it! 

Not a bad one, straightforward and to the point. What I wonder is, does this really happen a lot? I’d like to think in this day and age things are designed with ways to prevent this stuff from happening. But I can’t blame a 40 years old psa for being dated plus I never lived in a city where this may be more common. 

I looked it up and yes this can still happen so fair enough. Also credit to Recondo for jumping into action rather than standing there telling the kids what to do! 


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