August 1, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#2

Let’s continue our look at the G.I.Joe PSA’s with this little gem featuring a character I don’t remember at all, Wild Bill

#2.Stanger Danger

Featuring Wild Bill 

Wow there’s one Joe I don’t remember. Like, at all!

Anyway the PSA is clearly about stranger danger but it’s not done well. The start feels like it cuts in late, as if they made it to long so they had to trim a few seconds. And having the kid staring dumbfounded is odd, the whole start is just off. 

Since the setup was blown they need the other kid to explain what happened. And After Bill says to check first there’s an odd edit when the kid steps over the line and it sounds odds. We’d get a similar setup done better later, and we’ll get to that one, but this one is a dud. Even the message is weak, if you’re a child and soneone you don’t know comes up to you have nothing to do with them! 


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