August 3, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#4

 So where do these kids find these adult free places? 

#4.Fire Safety 

Featuring Spirit 

Just two kids camping all alone. Seems safe. Ah, the 80’s!

So one kid catches on fire and the other tell him to run to the stream. Brilliance. I’d hope even a kid would realize that’s a bad idea. Then Spirit arrives to wrap the kid up, again good thing there were no adults. Drop and roll obviously makes sense but what the h*** with the wrap yourself in a blanket advice? If I’m on fire I’m not wasting time looking for a blanket! And why is Spirit doing this one didn’t G.I.Joe have a fire based character? 

How much you want to bet Spirit would be considered politically incorrect today? Yeah while the setup isn’t as lame as yesterday the message is weak. Just drop and roll! 


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