August 25, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#26

Were life jackets a new thing in the 80’s?

#26 Life jackets 

Featuring Deep Six 

I looked it up and while they have evolved they sure existed before the 80s. Maybe they weren’t used commercially but how have the kids never heard of them? Yeah I’m sure kids made fun of them no doubts there. 

Actually this is a fantastic psa there’s no lecturing the short lets the action shows why life jackets help for once. Deep Six barely speaks. Nice. Simple. Effective. And let’s be honest I’m sure people to this day need this lesson. I hate wearing them too but better to be safe than sorry. 

Why did Deep Six save the kid, why not just watch and explain to him how to tread water! Kidding 


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