August 15, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s:#16

Let’s talk about my favorite Joe ever! 


#16.Figure it out 

Featuring Lady Jaye

Yeah I said this before but while most boys were lusting over Rogue or April O’Neil it was Lady Jaye I loved. She was so badass!

This one is ok and for once I can buy the Joe just standing there watching. It’s not an emergency and there’s no reason the girl can’t figure her own way out. Just like Scarlett before she’s just offering encouragement. I do wonder what the kids were doing playing on a (I assume) closed construction site! Maybe the lesson should have been about trespassing. 

You know, I can buy that the Joe’s are popular enough in universe that the kids recognize them. But how do the Joes know these kids by name? 


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