June 23, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (Dagger of the Mind)

 I talked about this one before because while the episode is pretty mediocre, it has a guest star that I love. I'll try to explain why I loved Marianna Hill's performance as Dr.Noel as we go. As for the rest of the episode, well....

Plot:A routine visit to the Tantalus Penal Colony proves dangerous for Kirk and an Enterprise psychiatrist.

Guest Stars:James Gregory as Tristant Adams, Marianna Hill as Helen Noel 

Nitpick:A cliche happens here, we need to establish that penal colonies have force fields. This makes sense since you dont want the prisoners escaping. So how do we establish that? We have our young engineer forget that they need to disengage to allow beaming, and Kirk has to remind him. It's like your boss having to do your job for you. At least Kirk is nice about it. What is up with the odd reaction when Kirk first seeks Helen Noel?? It's made clear they've, uh, met but still Kirk acts kinda weird. 


Teaser-The Enterprise beams up cargo from a penal colony. I just realized, there was a lot of picking up cargo in the first season. Weird. But the cargo contains something unexpected, a mental patient has stowed away.

Act 1-Tantatlu notifies Enterprise that they believe the patient stowed away. A patient that is especially violent. Kirk orders a security alert, I like this scene the crew acts very competently except for the red shirt who gets knocked out. Of course the guy makes it to the bridge, and is taken out by Spock's nerve pinch. The ship returns to the colony, they discover the patient is Van Gelder the director of the facility he escaped from and a respected doctor. The more he tries to speak the harder something inside him fights. The strange situation compels Kirk to investigate further. Dr.Adams allows Kirk to beam down to look into things. He asks if he only came down with one person (again?).

Act 2-McCoy assigned a psychiatrist to go with Kirk, Dr.Noel. At the colony Kirk finally meets Dr.Adams who runs the facility. Adams is very hospitable but they notice the people there act kind of weird, stoic even. Adams shows them his new invention, while on the Enterprise Van Gelder keeps ranting about a neural neutralizer. But every time he tries to explain it he can't. On the planet Adams explains the neutralizer neutralizes brain waves, relaxes patients. But Kirk can't help feel there is something more about that device that Adams isn't saying. Adams admit Van Gelder's condition was the result of the neuralizer. The device can implant suggestions, and cause pain if the patient does not act the way he is supposed to. Spock explains that Van Gelder is especially agitated. He says if Kirk stays here he could die.

Act 3-Spock has decided the best way to get information from Van Gelder is to use an ancient Vulcan technique called a mind meld. On the planet Kirk discusses what they have seen with Noel. How the patients seem so blank. He decides to check out the treatment room himself. On the ship Spock learns how the neutralizer can replace memories, empty the mind and allow Adams to control people. Kirk goes into the room while Helen runs the controls. First they implant a simple thought. Then Helen alter the memory of the time they met, at a Christmas party!!!! and finally Adams comes in and takes over the controls. He increases the machine and starts to torture Kirk with it. He convinces her she is gone,and he starts to lose himself. Kirk tries to fight back, but fails. 

Act 4- Kirk is convinced he loves Helen, thanks to the machine, but she has to convince him those memories are not real. After pleading with him, Kirk manages to pull himself together. Kirk pulls a panel away which has ducts behind it. He has Helen crawl through to find the power supply. While he is send back to the treatment room. Helen crawls through the ducts, nice to see her get a little action and yeah she is just crawling thru ducts but for Trek that is impressive usually the women just stand there. Kirk tries to fight the treatment and when Helen is found missing Adams uses the machine at full intensity. Helen finds the power supply, and cuts the power. Helen is captured while Kirk fights Adams and escapes. Adams is knocked to the floor just as a guard tries to restore the power, but Helen kicks the guard into the voltage. Badass. The force field is down so Spock beams down with security. Spock restores the power, which turns the machine on. and Adams is under the machine with no one at the controls. Kirk reunites with Helen and when they find Adams, he is dead. His mind emptied by his own invention. On the Enterprise Kirk has recovered, and all is well.

Final Thoughts:This episode has a very "60's view of mental health" feel which makes it interesting. The episode seems to be commenting on the way mental health faculties are maintained back then. There's only one other female one time officer I liked as much as Helen Noel, but we'll get to Mira Romaine another day. The episode itself is fine, just draggy at spots. I don't think it really achieved what it wanted to, the idea was there but the result is....eh.

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