June 28, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (Court Martial)

 I always has mixed feelings with this one. Kirk being court martialed? Never really made sense. Though to they do make it clear they tried to avoid it. Let's talk about it.

Plot:Kirk is accused of criminal negligence causing the death of one of his subordinates, Lt. Commander Benjamin Finney, and is put on trial for his murder.

Guest Stars:Elisha Cook as Cogley, Joan Marshall as Areel Shaw

Nitpick:There was a deleted scene where Jamie appears at the of end of Kirk and Finney's fight to console her father and man does it hurt not having it. Instead Cogley vanishes from the episode and we get a voice over to try to make things connect. The White Sound Device used is one of the lamest props in the series, clearly just a microphone. 


Teaser-After going through an ion storm Kirk is making his report at a starbase concerning the death of records officer Ben Finney. Kirk insists he waited to eject the ion pod until the last second. Spock arrives with a computer log while Finney's daughter Jamie berates Kirk for causing her father's death. The Commodore finally reveals the log showing that Kirk did not wait and may have negligently killed the officer. Since he apparently lied, Kirk must wait to see if he should be court martialed next. 

Act 1-Kirk visits the local bar and finds the other officers there have already decided that Kirk is guilty. He leaves just as a woman named Ariel Shaw enters, and old love of Kirk's. At the inquiry, Kirk explains how he and Finney were very close friends. Then an incident where Kirk reported a mistake Finney made, which drew him a reprimand, ended the friendship. Finney resented Kirk ever since for holding up his promotion. Kirk then explains the ion storm the ship passed thru. He send Finney to the pod because he was next. Kirk explains waited till the last second to eject the pod. However the commodore insets the computer log shows the pod was jettisoned while he had time. The commodore then explains they don't want Kirk to be court martialed and to just step down. However Kirk refuses and pushes for the court martial.

Act 2-Kirk meets with Ariel who insists that he hire Samuel Coggly as his defense attorney. When Kirk asks how she knows so much about the trial, she explains that she is the prosecution and it will be her job to destroy his reputation. Kirk meets Cogley and finds his a very old fashioned lawyer, and also his only chance. At the trial, Kirk pleads not guilty. Spock then testifies that the computer is incapable of error, however it is somehow. Cogley does not cross examine. The personnel officer then testifies about Finney's resentment for Kirk. Cogley does not cross examine. McCoy testifies that is is possible a man could resent a man who resets him, and tries to insist Kirk would never do that. Cogley does not cross examine. When he finally gets his chance, Cogley calls Kirk to the stand. Kirk gives a speech about being a commander and he did not act with malice or panic, however Shaw reveals the computer playback showing that Kirk did in fact react to an emergency that did not yet exist. 

Act 3-With Cogley even convinced Kirk is guilty, Kirk is not sure what to do next. Kirk considers he had a lapse and then dismisses, saying he has trained his whole life for a decision like that. Spock reports that a survey of the computer has found nothing, when Kirk comment that Spock may be able to beat his next captain at chess it sparks an idea. Jamie then appears to apologize to Kirk for being upset the night before. She realizes that her father and he were really friends once upon a time. McCoy finds Spock playing chess and berates him, until Spock comments he has won several games. That should not be possible, Spock programmed the computer for chess and it shouldn't be able to beat him. Therefore the data banks have been altered. The two appear in the court room to inform Cogley, who insists that the court reconvene on the Enterprise.

Act 4-Spock explains that the computer cannot make an error so that means the computer memory banks have been altered. Meaning the video playback could have been altered. The only people who could do that are Kirk, Spock and the records officer. Kirk explains they searched for Finney after the incident, but Cogley suggests he could have evaded it. Leading Cogley to declare he believes that Finney is alive. Using an experiment with a "white sound device", while Cogley goes ashore on an errand, they manage to pinpoint a heart beat which is not accounted for. Kirk goes to find it, and discovers that Finney is alive and has sabotaged the ship in revenge. When Kirk says Jamie is on board by now, that was Cogley's errand, he breaks down and Kirk strikes. Their stunt doubles get into a fight (it's real obvious here), and when he is beaten Finney tells Kirk where to make repairs before it's to late. The ship is saved and Kirk is off the hook. He says one last goodbye to Ariel on the Bridge.

Final Thoughts:This is one of the few episode that really delves into Kirk as a person rather than a high and mighty commander, and for that I like it. But it's also kind of slow and the "surprise" twist is pretty predictable. 

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