June 17, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (The Man Trap)

 Today we have the first episode that actually aired, back in September of 1966. Heaven only know why this was chosen for that honor, but here we go. Of course I went into detail about that five years ago during my "Underrated" article, but that doesn't mean we can't look at it again today.

Plot:A creature which can assume the form of others invades the ship

Guest Stars:Jeanne Bal as Nancy Crater

Nitpick:Why the salt vampire, or creature, simply didn't communicate with the crew is something I will never understand. At least the Horta had an excuse for why its cries went unheard. And why did the three men see three different women? No clue it's never explained nor does it happen after the opening. 


Teaser-Kirk, McCoy and ensign red shirt beam down to a planet check on a doctor and his wife who live there. The wife also happens to be a former lover of McCoy's. When she appears the three men all see different women, and then the ensign follows her outside. 

Act 1-As Kirk and McCoy talk to Dr Crater, who insists they leave, Nancy suddenly screams. They rush out to find him dead with strange marks on his face. Nancy insisting he ate a poisonous plant by mistake. On the Enterprise, Uhura is flirting with Spock. When the death is reported she is surprised he is so callous. Spock reports the planet wasn't poisonous. 

Act 2-Spock checks on the Craters and reports they arrived on the planet five years ago. McCoy finally finds the cause of death, no salt in his body at all. They realize that Crater mentioned something they desperatelt needed, salt tablets. They beam down to question the Craters with two officers, and irk sends an officer to get Nancy and another to investigate the plant. Dr Crater runs off and finds one crewman dead. The other crewman is suddenly dead and Nancy is standing over them. Suddenly, she morphs into the crewman! Impersonating the crewman, Nancy reports to Kirk and is beamed back up with Kirk and McCoy. Nancy, as the crewman, wanders the halls follows Yeoman Rand around and then impersonates another man to Uhura. Spock reports that Crater is the only one on the planet, while Nancy goes to McCoy and encourages him to get some sleep just when Rand and Sulu then encounter a dead officer, with the strange circles on his face.

Act 3-While Nancy takes the form of McCoy, Kirk and Spock chase after Crater on the planet. Crater tries to keep the two away with a phaser, Kirk and Spock find the dead crewmen and relize the creature is on the ship. Crater fires at them but Kirk and Spock manage to stun him. Crater then explains that the creature is native to planet, and needs salt to survive. There used to be dozens of them, but they all died off. Crater discovered the creature after it killed the real Nancy years ago. This episode purports Buffalo will be extinct,not so far! Anyway, they take Crater back to the ship. 

Act 4-On the ship the crew is locked down and Kirk and Spock have a conference to go over what they know. Crater and the unreal McCoy try to defend the creature but Kirk is determined to kill it. Kirk sends Crater to be put under truth serum however McCoy reveals to be the creature attacks Spock and kills Crater (Spock's Vulcan physiology spares his life). Nancy rushes to McCoy for help, when Kirk arrives with a phaser telling McCoy to stand away. McCoy defends her but Spock convinces him that it's not Nancy but a creature. Who finally reveals its true form. Kirk is almost killed by it when McCoy reluctantly fires the phaser, killing it. 

Final Thoughts:After watching the past four options, I can see why this was chosen to be the first broadcast. It's not as sluggish and even gives a good mystery. With a monster at the end, of course. And Enemy Within would not have had as much weight if viewers saw that first. Also the fact that everyone gets something to do is refreshing, as I noted in my "underrated" article. Rand and Sulu have a great scene which we didn't see enough on the show and when it's clear the intruder is real all hands are actively looking. I wish we had seen more of this, it's something Next Generation did a whole lot better. This also feels like the most "spock like" Spock has been so far. And finally, as mentioned before DeForest Kelly is fantastic as the other McCoy. 

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