June 22, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (Miri)

 This is an episode I never liked. I've only seen it a few times and every time I watch it just feels..dark, and uncomfortable somehow. 

Plot:On a planet exactly like Earth, the crew find all the adults are dead and there are only chidden alive.

Guest Stars:Kim Darby as Miri

Nitpick:I said yesterday we needed a little more Spock/McCoy banter to make it feel like Trek and here we get it and it fits.


Teaser-One of the dumbest teaser's ever. Gene Roddenberry like the idea of "parallel Earth development", especially as a way to explain why planets have environments so similar to Earth society. Here it's a little to blatant, as the Enterprise finds a planet that is an exact duplicate for Earth. How? And more importantly, why? It doesn't figure into the plot in any way! 

Act 1-The crew beam down to investigate further. When they arrive they find a city in ruins and abandoned. They find a abandoned tricycle, and are suddenly attacked by a person who crazed and looks ill. He seems to have the mind of a child. After he dies they hear a noise and track it down. They finally find a young girl, scared and alone. Miri talks about how the grups (grown ups) acted strange and started hurting everyone. She explains how the adults got sick and died, but the children remain. As Spock searches he hears children in the distance, taunting and then attacking. Miri agrees to take them to the where the doctors were when Kirk finds a splotch realizes he has becomes infected with the disease that killed everyone else.

Act 2-The whole landing party has become infected except Spock. While McCoy tries to find a cure they discover the disease comes from an experiment gone wrong. They discuss why Miri seems to be hanging out with them, and how she has bonded with Kirk. They realize that Miri will be infected eventually, and they need to find the other children. Miri leads Kirk to the other children, where they have gathered and are discussing what to do with the adults. They realize they would be compromised if they stole their communicators. Kirk and Miri to find the kids are hiding from them, until they suddenly attack including one child who has come down with the disease. Back with the others, Kirk keeps Miri busy while they figure out how much time they have. 

Act 3-McCoy has found what caused the disease. The children suddenly make themselves known. They distract everyone so they can steal the communicators. Now they can't contact the ship, and the clock is ticking. Janice almost freaks out, and in a weird scene she asks Kirk to look at her legs which are covered with the strange splotches. As he comforts her, Miri gets jealous. McCoy has found the disease meaning a cure is possible. Upset, Miri goes back to the kids and talked them into kidnapping Janice to get her out of the way. 

Act 4-Spock and McCoy bicker at they comes closer to a cure. Kirk demands Miri tell him where Janice is. The virus is making everyone irritable, and without the communicators they can't confirm the cure works. Kirk convinces Miri to help by explaining all the kids will eventually get the disease. In fact, she is already infected. The kids have Janice tied up when Miri arrives with Kirk. Kirk tries to reason with the kids, but is mobbed by them instead. Kirk gives it another shot, and finally gets through to them. Meanwhile, McCoy decides to heck with it and injects himself with the cure. He passes out and Kirk and Spock find him. And watch as the splotches slowly fade away, the cure works. And the kids will be ok on the planet. 

Final Thoughts:We already did the young person becoming an adult thing with Charlie X, but at least this takes it another way. It's a depressing episode but it isn't bad. The kids are annoying as hell but I've seen worse. Every time I see it I remember how awesome Kim Darby is.

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