September 5, 2020

Batman (1966) Episodes 102&103


Episodes 102 & 103

The Ogg and I/How to Hatch a Dinosaur

Plot:Egghead and Olga, Queen of the Cossack's team up to kidnap Commissioner Gordon

Guest Stars:Vincent Price as Egg Head and Anne Baxter as Olga

Trivia:I usually don’t mention the minor guest stars but how could I not mention that Alan HaleJr, The Skipper himself, is in this? And named Gilligan. And yes Anne Baxter was Zelda back in season one. And she is much better here. And is the only actor to play two characters on this show.

Niitpick:This is a three part story where the second part was carved out and aired as its own episode a few weeks later. I’m sure that will make loads of sense.

Bat Silliness:Last tine we had laughing gas that made Batman laugh as Egg Head fled and this time we have tear gas which makes him cry. Who’s gonna tell the writers that isn’t what either of these gases do?

Bat Gadget:Bat Geiger Counter

Bat Trap:None really

Final Thoughts:The episode opens with Egg Head kidnapping our poor commissioner. Just as O’Hara discovers this Batgirl appears for no reason so Barbara can find out quickly. Then Batman and Robin show up, again for no reason. Egg Head’s demands? A tax on every egg ever consumed in Gotham City. Sigh. There was such hope this wouldn’t be a stupid plot. Batgirl suggests approaching things separately and it is kind of nice to see her in the planning rather than just appearing out of nowhere for no reason. It makes her feel like she part of the “team”. Batgirl enlists Alfred to help find her father while Batman and Robin await Olga at an embassy. Olga has her own plans (in fact it almost feels like a different scheme entirely). Olga unwittingly lets them into her headquarters but are quickly defeated. Why are they working together? Something about being engaged to be married. But after some nonsense Batgirl finally shows up to save everyone in part 1. Even as the two egg-scape. In part 3 (and no I did not forget Part 2) things get reaallysilly. Egghead;s plan is to revive a dinosaur egg.Oh yes you read that correctly. Did I mention the egg hatches? Remember the Gorn on Star Trek? Stupid. But good news, it’s supposed to be fake as Batman is hiding in the costume. Sure. Anyway, this is an Egg Head story making me thing the second episode is focused on Olga, making it plausible to air it later. Guess we’ll find out in a few days.

Grade:C, hey the filler is back! Also Batgirl isn’t taking over as much, we’ll see if that lasts.

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