March 9, 2016

Top 50 Episodes of Star Trek: Part Three (with Les)

Greetings, Manic Fans. Les here to continue our top 50 favorite Star Trek Episodes with RichB.

LES: Hmmmm….where did that boy get to?….

*A wormhole explodes open and a Federation Runabout exits it, zips down and lands. Door opens and RichB steps out.

LES: MAN! you get all the best entrances…..Ready to continue our lists, my friend?

RichB:Wait till you see my next entrance….And yes, I’m ready.


RichB:  Anyway, I can’t wait so my #10 for today is:

#10.  “Timescape”
I wanted at least one entry for each season. With season 6 it’s a hard call since the season started shaky and then got good. Many would choose ”Chain of Command” but I hated that episode, too dark. Yeah I get that was the idea and it was a powerful episode, just not for me. And while there was other good stuff that year (including the one I talked about last time) I chose an episode that is just fun. Timescape is just a silly time travel story. Well ok not ”travel” exactly. But any episode where we can have the crew frozen in place is a winner for me.

LES: I was always impressed with the ”Freeze Frames in time” that they could do in TNG…whether it was time frozen, or a program paused in the holodeck…characters could be panned around and moved around….and to this day, I haven’t the faintest idea how they pulled that special effect off as it was done years before ”bullet-time” was invented for ”The Matrix.” Anyways, the episode was good…not great…but good. For my #10, I’m countering your last 10 list that included ”Unification” as the episode that got TOS fans onboard for TNG…that brought back Spock….my #10 brought back Mr. Scott.

#10.  ”Relics”
SO, Vulcans are long-lived and Mr. Spock survived into the 24th Century(So did Dr. McCoy, who had a great cameo in ”Encounter at Farpoint,” but I digress….). The way they brought Mr. Scott into the 24th Century was brilliant. He preserved himself in a transporter on a continuous pattern cycle. When the Enterprise finds his crashed ship, The Jenolan, on the surface of a Dyson sphere Mr. LaForge finds and re-materializes him. The rest of the episode is about Mr. Scott coming to grips with being ”Old School” in technical expertise and feeling useless in his old age. Captain Picard recognizes the problem and encourages LaForge to help him. Several wonderful scenes are in this episode, including the return of Captain Kirk’s command chair(the actual prop) in a holodeck scene, Mr. Data tending bar and producing a bottle of booze thats…um…*takes a sniff…”it’s green!” and a nail-biting scene of suspenseful rescue as Mr. Scott takes the engineering station of his ship one more time.

RichB:It was if the creators knew Unification was a disappointment so they gave us this gem. Scotty is great in every scene is he in and I love every single nod to the original series. It’s a little non traditional for TNG episode but it still rocks. And since this is clearly the last appearance of Scotty in that form it was a nice sendoff for a great character. Ok, my #9 is:

#9.  “The Pegasus”
This is a Season 7 entry, and do I really have to go over my feelings on that season? While not the best episode of that year it is one that stand out’s as above average. I was torn between this, ”Phantasms” and ”Parallels” and decided to go with the more relevant episode. Parallels was spoiled by that Worf/Troi nonsense the creators forced. Remember when we discussed The Enterprise Incident? In that episode Kirk steals a cloaking device. Ever wonder why the Federation never used it? It’s because of a treaty they signed in good faith. And that’s what his episode revolves around and Riker is torn between his loyalty to Picard and his loyalty to his former commander, who was conducting secret experiments on a Federation cloaking device until things went very wrong. This is a really good episode with suspense and drama (and we will not discuss what ”These are the Voyages” did to it!). Riker shines as he is torn between loyalties.

LES: Yeah, and they even used that episode for the last episode of ”Enterprise” as a vehicle for Riker to see their last mission in the holodeck while figuring out what he’s going to do in ”The Pegasus.” Well…I saved the best of TNG for my last pick of those episodes:

#9.  ”All good things…”
This episode has it all: Q, An exceptional Picard storyline and time travel and alternate realities…Old Picard 25 years in the future suddenly starts traveling backwards and forwards in time…back to the Farpoint Station mission and the present where the Enterprise is ordered to the Romulan Neutral Zone to investigate a spatial anomaly. Each time period is fully realized in technology, uniforms and various hairstyles/mannerisms of each character. They didn’t miss a detail, either. Chief O’Brien is at Conn station again…as is Lt. Yar as security chief. Since the timeshifts occur randomly, Picard has to overcome a lot of disorientation to solve the puzzle put to humanity to solve by the Q continuum to prove their worthiness as a species. The final scenes are suspenseful and amazing.

RichB: I could go on and on about this one. If I ranked the most watched episodes ever for me, this would be in the top three! One of the best final episodes of anything ever!!!! Before I turn this into a speech about how much I adored every second of this episode, I think it’s time to switch gears. When TNG was doing amazing in the rating it was inevitable that a spin-off come along. The spin-off was as good, some would say is better, than TNG and has carved its own legacy in the Star Trek universe. Of course I am talking about Deep Space Nine and my next choice is an appropriate one. Number 8:

#8.  “Emissary”
Yeah I know, we always seem to start with the pilot of each show. Though not to spoil anything, I can promise Caretaker does not appear on either Voyager list. Yech! Anyway, I love this episode. While it’s clear DS9 was intended to be a TNG spin-off with characters and a premise taken right from TNG (heck Picard and the Enterprise even appear in an a fantastic cameo) it’s clear they were trying to make DS9 look and feel different. True watching this is amusing when you consider where the series would end up, and the first season was not the best by any stretch. I also love the Borg stuff in this episode, nice to see how The Best of Both World’s affected others outside TNG, and of course it’s Sisko’s story and is very well done. Some of the characters aren’t 100% yet (what is up with Odo’s early makeup?), but the seeds are still all here and I enjoyed this pilot and have often re-watched it.

LES: Oh, without question. DS9 set up a lot of obstacles and character growth to overcome in the pilot(that didn’t at all disappoint throughout the series). It was also pretty neat to watch Jake Sisko literally grow up in the show. Well…we’re synched in our shows now. My #8 is:

#8.  ”Q-less”
I’ve got to give props to the only Q episode in DS9. Having Vash, Picard’s ex-girlfriend who tagged along with him after TNG episode ”Q-Pid” was a nice touch to see where that story went. Basically, Vash shows up from the Gamma Quadrant with a collection of archeological swag she intends to auction off at Quark’s for profit. When Q shows up, Chief O’Brien recognizes him and Sisko tries to solve the mystery of where a mysterious energy is pulling the station towards the wormhole is coming from(hint-it’s not Q doing it…but everyone thinks he is).

RichB: Well, you disagreed with me on ”The Apple” so I will have to do so here. It was fun to see Q again but it was not a great DS9 episode in my opinion. But that’s just me. My #7 choice is another from Season One,….

#7.  “Duet”
Much like TNG, DS9 had a rough first year. Man is this the exception! This episode came in the same season as ”Move Along Home”? It’s another bottle show (I have a thing for those I guess) but this one has some intense dramatic moments. What’s the plot? Kira must come face to face with a Cardassian war criminal who tortured her people in a slave camp. Uh, yeah no tension there! Fantastic writing and acting, with a tragic ending no less, this episode was a glimpse of what DS9 would become.

LES: DS9 really was a great vehicle for characters to go through tortuous trials to grow stronger from, and this episode was a great one for Kira. OK, for my #7, I’m picking:

#7.  ”Shadowplay”
This one is a great solve the mystery of the disappearing people story and a great showcase for Odo. When it turns out that only one citizen of the town is a real person, who’s recreated his entire village through an elaborate series of holograms after the Dominion wiped out his whole town, Kira and Odo need to convince him that his creations are real people, since he’s cared for them. In an inspired homage, in a later episode of ”Enterprise” Archer discovers an almost identical town of holograms….and actor Rene Auberjonois was one of the holograms!

RichB:  Yeah it was nice of Enterprise to steal this idea. And it was a good episode, very well done and even makes sense! My #6 is:

#6.  “Whispers”
I don’t say this very often, but the ending to this episode totally surprised me! It’s hard to discuss without spoiling it. I usually don’t worry about that but this twist ending is just to good. Basically, O’Brien is trying to figure out just why everyone else on the station is acting so odd. The answer is a big surprise and a great ending to what could have been a run in the mill episode.

LES: Yeah…I’m not spoiling this one, either…and you’re right. The twist is exceptional…and everything that made DS9 a cut above as a Star Trek series. Alright…for my #6, I’m going with:

#6.  ”The Forsaken.”
There aren’t many Lwaxanna Troi episodes that don’t become ludicrous or overly sappy….but this one strikes an unusually deep chord for a single moment that she shares with Constable Odo when they’re trapped in the turbo lift. Being Lwaxanna…she’d been flirting and pursuing Odo from minute one..and voila! they got stuck on the turbo lift together when the power fails it(Standard Sitcom plot). What makes this one different, however, is Odo’s limitation where he has to morph into a liquid form to regenerate. He’s mortified to have to do it in front of her. ”No one’s ever seen me like this!” He laments. Then Lwaxanna removes her wig and gets serious. ”No one’s ever seen me like this.” She informs him. ”But you look fine.” He remarks. ”I’ve never liked looking ordinary,” She tells him. The moment is tender and serious. Odo finds comfort in her confession and melts into her lap where she holds him safe inside the folds of her dress.

RichB: I don’t remember this one but Laxwana gets a bad rap on both shows. Yeah she could be annoying but she did have some nice tender moments on TNG and on DS9 I think Majel Barrett was a very underrated actress.  So here is my #5.

#5.  “Crossover”
I loved this one as soon as I read the TV Guide description. A return to the mirror universe? Yes!!! This episode is exactly what I said, as we return to the mirror universe and man is it a lot of fun. The best part may be Nana Visitor, just having a ball in the role as the Mirror-Kira (or The Attendant). You get the feeling everyone had fun making this and it is definitely one of my favorite episodes. Not much else to say (though seeing Avery Brooks have fun and go so far out of characters is a real joy). What about the follow up’s? They pretty much go sillier and sillier, none being as good as this one.

LES: Yep, and once DS9 did it…it opened a floodgate to doing more Mirror Mirror episodes on both DS9 and Enterprise. This was a good episode. My only complaint is Mirror Odo got killed in it….so much potential for return appearances….gone…oh well… My #5 is:

#5.  ”Distant Voices”
You covered this one, so you already know. This is a great Dr. Bashir episode that takes place mostly inside the Doctor’s own mind where his own fears, regrets and disappointments are given form in characters from the show who act out of character to torment the poor man who’s come under mental attack from an Alien. The ending is fantastic.

RichB:I did cover it because a lot of people seem down on it. But I think it’s a very interesting episode and works for me. Glad you like it too.  For my #4 I give you….You wont believe this, are you ready? A bottle show!! I know, right??!?

#4.  “Visionary”
Ok all kidding aside this is a great, if small, episode. One of the things that I a love about it is that every character gets something to do here, especially O’Brien of course who is briefly jumping a few hours into the future after an accident. It’s also the only time you will DS9 desyroyed in an episode, how cool is that? True the time travel stuff makes very little sense in this episode, it’s been said this is the point Trek stopped caring about things like that, but the episode still works. It’s also one of the few good Romulan episodes you’ll get on DS9. I should do a whole review on this one but for now, I will just say that it’s one I’ve watched over and over.

LES: Yeah, I like little time jump episodes too, and this one is a lot of fun. And in keeping with wibbley wobbly timey wimey weirdness….for my #4, I’m going with:

#4.  ”The Visitor”
The premise is simple…the emotional and dramatic execution is deeply profound. Sisko and his son, Jake are involved in a Warp core accident on the Defiant that causes Sisko to phase out of time. Believing him dead, the crew mourn his loss…until he reappears briefly a year later. He continues to do this spread further out…but staying longer each visit while Jake attempts to save him for the rest of his life. Finally, at the end of his life, Jake determines how to bring his Father back. Trust me, this one is amazing.

RichB:Sometimes an episodes will come around that is so well written that it really takes my by surprise. This is one of them. It’s not an original idea, at all, but man the writing and the acting sell every second of it. Love this one. But the episode that came before it was pretty awesome to, and that episode happens to be my #3…

#3.  “The Way of the Warrior”
The sad truth is that bringing Worf into DS9 did not work the same way bringing Seven of Nine into Voyager helped that show. However that doesn’t change the fact that first episode to introduce him into the fold was really, really good. First, we get a new Sisko with the bald hair and now a captain (FYI I liked him much better from this point on). Worf seem to fit in very smoothly, although the reason was kind of lame. The Klingons enemies again? The idea was so stupid it barely lasted a season. So why do I love this episode so much? The action scenes are freaking awesome! There is a huge space battle between The Klingons and DS9 and it’s just so cool! Yeah this would be topped again later but for the time, this was a real exciting episode! Also the situation with Worf top notch, feeling lost after the Enterprise was destroyed, and thinking of resigning. It leads to one of my favorite Sisko speeches when he explains to Worf you can’t just throw the pain away and resign. Beautiful.

LES: Absolutely! You’re right on all counts. I’m glad you included this episode. I do think bringing Worf to the cast was a good decision…and even if the Klingon/Federation war didn’t last more than one season, I did love the new dynamic it brought to the show…it was the warm up to the battle with the Dominion…and it gave us great characters like General Martok. Moving on…my #3 harkens back to a selection I made from TOS:

#3.  ”Trials and Tibble-ations”
This episode was the ultimate Trekker geek out of all time. Using ”Forrest Gump” technology, they put DS9 characters into ”The Trouble with Tribbles” in a very clever time-travel episode where that Klingon double agent that Kirk thwarted in that episode goes back in time using an orb of the Prophets in order to change history by assassinating Captain Kirk. If you thought the barroom brawl between Scotty, Checkov and Enterprise crew and the Klingons was great in the original episode…just watch it with Worf, Odo, O’Brien and Bashir edited into it!

RichB: Yeah this of all episodes was a real ”love letter” to the fans. What I love is the detail given so that this episode almost flawlessly fits into the classic one. For instance, the way they used the original actor who plays Mr. Baris from the classic episode? Awesome!!! I love little things like that, and I could go about this amazing episode all day! But my #2 is a departure from this one….

#2.  “Sacrifice of Angels”
I needed to have something from the war episodes, and this is a very good episode. The way the battle for DS9 is won is a bit unusual. It has to do with the prophets saving the day. How the sudden defeat effects Dukat is what made this memorable for me. This was the last of an arc of episodes which were quite above average actually. I really don’t have much to say on this one, very good stuff here which would be topped later.

LES: Yeah, Gul Dukat really rollercoastered a bit being villainous one episode, and being sympathetic another one. You picked a pretty good episode there. Moving on…my #2 is going to be:

#2.  ”His Way”
Maybe it’s the ex-Las Vegas performer in me, but I really love the Vic Fontaine character. A holosuite hologram based on several Rat Pack characters, Vic is a special hologram who’s self-aware and ”smarter than the average bear.” Played by James Daren(Who was so popular in this character, he got a resurgence of popularity in music and put out two more albums), Vic serves as the ”Guinnan” role in DS-9, offering advice and listening to the customers. In this story, he helps Odo and Kira discover their crushes on each other and arrange for a chance for them to connect in love. Many great moments in this one, and the songs/music are stellar.

RichB: Not gonna lie, I hated Fontaine. He just didn’t do anything for me. That isn’t the actors fault he actually did a good job. This was a decent episode and it was nice to get some resolution finally on the Kira/Odo thing. And yes I liked that other episode with him and Nog in the center but that’s an exception. Now for my #1 I have an episode universally considered on of Trek’s best…

#1.  “In the Pale Moonlight”
This episode is just awesome! There’s no other word for it. It’s basically how the Romulans ended up joining in the war against the Dominion. What’s that? Doesn’t sound very interesting? Well it is because of some beautiful writing. Not to mention acting, Avery Brooks is sitting alone in the room and yet these scenes are not boring at all. The reason it’s big deal is because in order to get this done Sisko had to do things no Starfleet officer would ever do. But is it ok if the end justifies the means? That’s what this episode is all about, and Brooks own every scene he is in.

LES: I agree. Sisko is in a class of his own for moral dilemmas and soul searching and this episode was one of his better ones. OK! For my #1 of this part of our lists, I’m going with….

#1.  “Once More Unto the Breach”
It is the Klingon Warrior’s deepest wish to die honorably in battle. But for Klingon veteran Kor(John Colicos reprising his role from the TOS episode ”Errand of Mercy”*also has the distinction of having been the first Klingon ever seen in Star Trek, but I digress…) his life has become inactive toasting his glory days and waiting to die. Worf arranges for him to serve on General Martok’s Bird of Prey and fulfill his desire for glory and honor again. What I love about this one is the way Worf honors the elder Dahar master and how Kor returns the favor at the end of the episode. All in all, one of the best Klingon episodes of the show.

RichB:  I have never seen that whole episode, but having a classic Klingon in it automatically makes it awesome!! Whew, two more lists to go. See you on the next one.

LES: Will do, we should be getting to Voyager episodes in the next one.

And thanks to you, Manic Fans for giving us some of your time too. See you tomorrow for the 4th list of the top 50 countdown. Peace.

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