November 8, 2011

Top 5 Movies I Loved When They Came Out But Now I Hate

Top 5 Movies I loved when they came out but now I hate
Ever go to see a movie and have a great time, only to look back years later and wonder what in the world made you think you ever liked it? It probably happens to all of us, so I thought I would compile my list of the top five movies I loved when I saw them, but as time has gone by have realized that they may not have been that good after all.
#5.Batman Forever.

Ok, first of all I’m not saying that I hate this movie now. It’s still a lot of fun. However, for the longest time I considered this movie great. I just loved it, I thought Batman was well performed and I loved the Riddler. Those opinions still hold up by the way. Where I went wrong was with Two-Face. I guess I didn’t follow the comic’s close enough because I just couldn’t see how bad a performance Tommy Lee Jones did. It wasn’t all his fault, the writing was the real problem. However, when The Dark Knight came out and I saw what Christopher Nolan did with the character, I was blown away. This was Two-Face, the way he was meant to be portrayed, and suddenly I realized just how bad he was in Batman Forever. As I said, I still think Batman Forever was good, especially compared to Batman & Robin, but I do look at it more critically than I used to.
#4.Star Wars:Episode I-The Phantom Menace.
I would be lying if I said that I loved this movie when it came out, but when I saw it in the theatres I kind of liked it. No, I didn’t like Jar Jar Binks of course but it was cool to see R2D2 again and I loved the scene were Anakin Skywalker meets Obi Wan for the first time. A few months later, I got the DVD for Christmas. I couldn’t even sit through it. Seriously, I got so bored I turned the freaking thing off and have never tried to sit through it again. I guess it was all that “new Star Wars movie” excitement or something. For the record, Episode II was bad and I admit I kind of liked Episode III.
#3. Last Action Hero.
Ever hear a premise for a movie, and think that it sounds like a great idea and will make a great movie. Then you go to see the movie, and it isn’t. However, you loved the premise so you try really hard to make yourself believe that the movie lived up to it? Well, that was this movie for me. I really wanted to like it, but in retrospect I have to admit his was a big miss. The plot involved a kid who gets sucked into an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie and participates in it. Then the fictional character enters the real world to chase after the movie villain who did the same thing. The first gripe I have with this is, why doesn’t the kid just enjoy his situation rather than spend the time trying to convince Schwarzenegger that it’s a movie? The LA stuff is kind of cool if you take is a parody of an action movie, which was the plan I think. Where the movie fails is when it gets into the “real world”. As Nostalgia Critic himself pointed out, the real world feels a lot like the fake movie world. It was also to dark, and I think whatever the message was that Schwarzenegger wanted to convey just didn’t quite make it. By the way, I had the same problem with Star Trek Generations. Man, did I want to like that.
#2. The Goonies.
This one some may argue with me about. This was a classic 80’S kids movie. I don’t think anyone who saw this film as a kid didn’t love it. However, the more I watch it the more I wonder what was so appealing about it. The basic plot follows a group of misfit kids as they search for buried treasure in a subterranean cavern. Here they cross the path of lady criminal Mama Fratelli and her outlaw brood. Fortunately, the kids manage to befriend Fratelli's hideously deformed (but soft-hearted) son, who comes to their rescue. That’s the basic premise, and I admit some of the stuff is fun to watch, but as I get older it seems the more I find wrong with it. The ending is cornball, so contrived that it just spoils the rest of the movie. I could probably do a whole review nitpicking things in this move. I liked it when it came out, but now it just gets a big pass from me. Maybe the key word is kids, as in you have to be one to like this.
#1. Heart and Souls.
Oh my god, how could I be so wrong about a movie? This is embarrassing, I admit it. 1993 saw the release of Jurassic Park, The Fugitive, and In The Line of Fire and this is what I called my favorite of the year? Maybe I’m just a big girl.  For those who may not know this film, here is the plot. At the scene of a fatal bus crash, the souls of four deceased passengers enter into the body of a woman's newborn baby. These four souls then traumatize the poor kid by talking to him and even making him do things like going to the track. When they realize the potential damage they leave, abruptly, and then come back thrity years later to force the boy, now an adult, to help them resolve their lives even if it complicates his. I loved this movie when it came out, and now it’s just painful. The story is so generic, there is no conflict because once the boy, named Thomas, agrees to help the spirits (agrees? He has no choice!) that's it, the plot is basically him helping each one, one at a time. The circumstances are so farfetched. For one spirit he walks onto a concert stage and no security grabs him, and then sings the national anthem to a crowded audience which just happens to include his girlfriend.  For another, the story involved the woman trying to find out what happened to her son. Due to some wacky circumstances they find themselves in a police station where, would you believe it, the cop they have been talking to turns out to be that very son! What are the odds; I mean New York isn’t really that big, is it? Yes the funny moments are funny, Robert Downey Jr is good in this, but the film is so flimsy. No conflict, no suspense, no real action, and the coincidences are too hard to swallow. To top it all off the film is overly sentimental (and that’s being kind) and the whole thing is just a dreary mess. Did I mention that it was boring too? Why did I love this movie??????  Oh well, live and learn I guess.
That’s it, my list of the top 5 movies I loved when I saw them but as I have gotten older and wiser, have realized that maybe I was wrong about them. Of course it can go the other way, and maybe someday I will do a list of movies I hated when I saw it only to learn to love them down the line.

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