October 2, 2018

Five Movies with Way too Predictable Endings

 So this weekend I got to see the movie Small Foot with my little niece. It’s a nice movie, I was surprised with the story as I had not heard about it beforehand. What I was not surprised with was the “twist” in the end. I can’t explain without giving it away, and since it just came I wont do that, but let’s just say it was obvious.

To be fair most movies are a little predictable. I mean do you think we'll ever a movie where Superman doesn't save the day? But sometimes movies will have an ending so predictable it's practically told to you earlier in the movie. Or even worst, all you have to do is see the trailer to guess the outcome. There are plenty of these but I picked five which drove me nuts for their obviousness.

Autumn in New York

Some probably never heard of this one. It’s a romantic movie about a couple played by Richard Gere and Winona Ryder. They fall in love even though he’s a tad older. And that’s basically the hook. Oh, and she has a terminal disease. They reveal this in the trailer for the movie, brilliant choice. Any wild guesses how this one ends? If that’s not enough to keep you away, Gere and Ryder have zero chemistry.

The Mighty Ducks

Yeah I know everyone loves this movie and all, but the plot is so predictable! To be fair, this movie came along before the sports movie craze of the 90’s. You could argue this movie started it. Or at the very least came along before the cliche was beaten to death! A lawyer is sentenced to coach a ragtag hockey team. Gee, will the lawyer learn that work isn’t everything? And I wonder if the team will go from sucking to champions in the span of the movie? Hmmmmm. I kid but this movie was popular and people loved it, because the characters were charming enough so people didn’t dwell on the paint by number plot.

The Dark Knight Rises

I feel awful putting this here, but come on! In that scene early in the movie when Michael Cain tells the story of how he always wanted to see Bruce happy, running him into in a cafe, is there a person in the world who didn’t know that’s exactly what would happen in the end? I mean was this really supposed to be a surprise? Maybe the creators though the bloated movie would be so long everyone would forget. Nope, as soon as I heard that I knew how the movie would end. And that Robin reveal was weak also. Between this and my discussion of Bane’s puss out in another article article, you can guess my feelings on this one. I wanted to like this movie, but it’s so flawed.


Everyone loves to make fun of this movie. The boat sank? You don’t say! The truth is I loved this movie when I saw it. Which says a lot considering how long the damn thing is. It seemed that Jack’s dying would is so obvious they decided to not even do anything clever. He just freezes to death in the water (and don’t get me started on that damn door). She gets rescued? Shocking since she’s telling the story. To be fair the alternate ending was even sillier. Ok it’s not the most original but the music and atmosphere more than make for it.

Scooby Doo

This movie was just painful. Nothing about it works. At all. And the worst thing is the “twist” of who the villain really is. In the middle of movie we get treated to a random flashback about Scrappy. There are no other flashbacks and Scrappy is not brought up at all before this. In the clip Scrappy is so annoying he cast out and abandoned. Gee, who could the villain be? Never mind that it’s lame and betrays the original character, it was so OBVIOUS!! FYI I never hated Scrappy as much as some do.

Those were five movie endings which obviously didn’t try very hard. People probably expected a horror movie here, but as you know I am not much for horror movies. Though I’m sure there are plenty with predictable endings. In fact there are plenty more of all genre’s. Let me know some of yours in the comments. Hey, speaking of horror movies- it’s October isn’t it? Not  gonna lie after all this time coming with new holiday articles is a bit tricky. But I have thirty days, so maybe I’ll come up with something by then.

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