October 18, 2018

Five Actors Whose Characters Were Killed Off Their Own Shows

So “The Connor’s” premiered last night. I think we all know the backstory. After some rather alarming remarks from Roseanne on Twitter she was fired and her show is continuing on without her. It really is sad what a mess the Roseanne reboot has turned into, what was originally just a fun idea between Sara Gilbert and John Goodman.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when they kill off a main character on a show, it shows a real lack of creativity and understanding on the part of the producers and writers to not know how to work with an awkward situation behind the scenes. But what I hate even more is if the character on a series just disappears. When Suzanne Somers was written out of Three's Company, she supposedly went home to care for her ailing Mom, but in one phone call to Janet she says her mom is much better, yet Chrissy just disappeared a few episodes later. No explanation, no "Chrissy got married," or "Chrissy joined Ronald Reagan's government as Secretary of State," nothing, just vanished with no explanation. It really shows a disregard for the feelings of fans of the show and the character.
