May 11, 2017

Ten Annoying Ad Campaign’s That Drive Me Nuts!!

Hey have you seen those Chevy commercials where “real people” stand around a Chevy and act as if they’ve never seen a car before?

Yeah Chevy has been running these ads for awhile now and they drive me nuts. What am I supposed to think, that a random women said the car was “the jam” that means I have to get myself one??? Either these are not “real people” or they are coached because their reactions are not how people react (there are parody videos all over YouTube which illustrate this).

However, this is not the first ad campaign that drives me nuts. It’s one thing when we get a commercial that sucks, it’s one ad and you know it will go away eventually. Sometimes it’s so bad it never even air (Kendall Jenner anyone?) But a  “campaign” is another story. Endless ads with the same message all more annoying then the rest. Here are a few that I hated over the years. These aren’t necessarily controversial or even the worst out there, they just aggravated me :

The Burger King Guy
There are a lot of things that scream 90’s, this annoying jerk is one of them. As awful as that plastic Burger King thing they show is, at least he didn’t talk! He just glared at you…maybe that’s not better. Amway, this guy was Dan Cortese and he was so damn annoying! By the way in the ad below Burger King brags about bringing the food out to you. Yeah, how long did it take them to get over that stupid idea?

I called him annoying but it could be worst. Check out this Papa Ginos, a Boston area pizza chain, I had to see way to often years ago:

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
God was this stupid! What was even the idea behind this? Anyway the concept here is that Maraconi and Cheese is so cheesy it should be cheese & macaroni. Of course! And god help you if you get that wrong!

Any Michael Jordan/Loony Tunes Ads
I always thought Space Jam came first and that inspired the ads. But maybe it was the other way around. Either way, I was really tired of seeing Jordan paired with The Looney Tunes to sell..anything really. The big two were Nike and MCI long distance. Because when I think MCI, I think Looney Tunes.

This is a hard to convey in a clip. The ad below is for Advil, and it’s a nice ad where some guy or girl explains that he was happier with Advil than Tylenol. The problem? Every new ad had a different actor saying THE EXACT SAME DIALOGUE. I mean note for note! What’s the point of making a new ad which say the exact same damn thing? Usually try to shake it up with a gimmick or something, nope not Advil.

Total Cereal
Here’s another campaign that basically used the same dialogue. But this one was smart enough to change the situation a bit. Basically the ad says that Total has a full day’s supply of vitamins and minerals. And then tells you what you would need to eat in order to get that same supply of vitamins and minerals. It was ok when they simply said you had to three bowls of another cereal, but as the ad’s went on the gimmick got sillier and sillier. The comparisons were just bizarre and I am thankful I haven’t seen these ads in a long time. The below is a great example of what I mean. It doesn’t even make sense, who says we have to get a full days supply of vitamins in one lousy bowl of cereal??

Hey remember the Burger King guy? Ever wonder what it would have been like if he talked? Check out these Duracell ads for an idea. The gimmick is that there is a family of, robots? who are powered by Duracell. Actually it’s not just the family it’s the whole world. In every ad someone else would have an inferior battery and would shut down. The problem? The costumes these people wore were creepy as hell! The Putteman’s will never leave your head! The worst? No. Creepy? Kinda.

God these were stupid! What is the big deal about calling collect? Even in the 90’s, who did that? The amazing thing about these ads is the celebrities who were in them. It must have been great money to do these! To be fair they do seem to be just having fun and not taking it seriously. Most of them anyway. Here’s an idea if you have to use a pay phone..bring change!!!!!!

Ok I needed something that wasn’t 90’s. It’s very common for a celebrity to do lame ads before they actually become famous. And sometimes they will do ads even after they are famous. Candice Bergen for Spint, William Shatner for Prcieline, Bill Cosby for…anything really. But these ads by Jason Alexander are just embarrassing. This was a few years after Seinfeld so he didn’t need the money. So why was he doing them?? To be fair, they are better than the awful ad KFC has these days. By the way ever notice  they never mention how much more expensive KFC is?

Jason Alexander just embarrassed himself in these ads. I wonder if there is any way he could have been lamer in an ad……….

Ok, fair enough. Since I pretty much ignored the 80’s I wanted to share this one. It’s for gum. Yep, that’s it. An ad for Gum. Sound boring? Not this ad! It makes chewing gum seem like the most exciting thing! Whenever I hear that Seinfeld bit about people having to much fun on TV, this is the ad I think of.

IT’S A GUM AD!!!  Sigh, I love the 80’s.

Anyway, that’s all I got. Is there an ad campaign that bugs you, either currently or from the past? Comment and let me know. There are plenty more of these and if I come up with another few I’ll be back.

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