September 3, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s #35

 We’ve reached the end! And it feels like it 

#35.Be true to your school (no yourself)

Featuring Flint


As I said I have no idea what production order these were in but this sure feels like a last one. As if they said “we need one more just push something out”! It just feels flat, maybe if they had said stand up for yourself? By the way why wasn’t this a vandalism psa? 

I get it, don’t do something just because people force you to but for a peer pressure message it doesn’t work. It’s like three messages in one: graffiti is stupid, don’t be bullied and stand up for yourself. 

Gotta love how the vandals who were taunting the kid are suddenly all nice and sweet when Flint appears. 


That’s it my friends thanks for running through these with me. It was fun reliving these. Though I feel like there are plenty of areas they could have approached like studying and why sharing and helping are important. But this is what we got. Some I remember and others not so much. I was surprised how many characters I forgot! I had to look a few up so I could remember them. And now I know! 

And knowing is half the battle!

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