September 14, 2024

Five Reasons I Suddenly Love “Modern Family”


For years I avoided the acclaimed show Modern Family. Oh I knew it was one but it just never grabbed me. It wasn’t for silly reasons like the network it was on or it featured a gay couple. It was because it was mockumentary style! 

While technically this was around before, The Office made this trend take off. And while it worked for that show, it drives me nuts they every show had to do it since. From Park and Rec all the way to the current Abbott Elementary. Why do I hate it? It’s several things. I’m a sucker for traditional three camera shows without a studio audience. So this hand held camera with no audience bugs me. Why I never watch The Middle! And of course what’s even worst is the thing these are famous for, those ridiculous testimonials. Ugh, it’s so lame! I mean The Brady Bunch is fake because they’re happy but characters stopping to do testimonials is real?? 

However the last year or two I finally gave Modern Family a try (you know me, on top of a trend!) and ended up loving it. With all the comments I’ve made against for its entire network run, it’s time to share some love. So why does this show work? 

Here five reasons. 

September 7, 2024

Five Things I Liked in Spider-man 3

 Recently I decided to revisit the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. It’s hard to believe the first one is over 20 years old! As I watched them something occurred to me, The first was sillier than I remember. The second was ok. AndI think of the three the third one is the closest to being a good movie. ok ok let me explain…

Spider-Man 3 was released on April 30,2007 and people were pumped that they were doing the whole Venom story. Even I was as that was the only Spidee-Man story I ever read. And, yeah, it was a letdown in many ways. But I insist there are good things in this movie! 

September 3, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s #35

 We’ve reached the end! And it feels like it 

#35.Be true to your school (no yourself)

Featuring Flint

September 2, 2024

September 1, 2024

A Look at G.I.Joe 80’s PSA’s #33

 I knew we’d hit a healthy eating one eventually 

#33.Eating healthy

Featuring Lifeline