The big news has been Batman’s marriage to Catwoman in Batman #50. To be fair it was done before in the Silver Age but that’s ok. I guess this has been hyped huge and fans were really looking forward to it. Unless you read the New York Times anyway (thanks for that guys!). So I thought I’d discuss weddings in comic books, but that’s been covered elsewhere.
So instead, let’s talk couples. Comic Books are no different than a TV show or drama when it comes to relationships. Our main characters often get in and out of relationships and when done right, we care about them as much as any fictional couple out there. We cheer their success, and are crushed by their failures. They even transcend the medium to be popular outside comics.
Here my ten favorites, no order and they don’t have to have been married just been in a relationship if some kind at some point.
Superman & Lois Lane

Let’s start with the obvious one. I mean is there anything new I can say here that I haven’t? I think they are awesome together. There was a point in the comics while I was reading when Lois was an ice queen, mostly because she was being jerked around by Clark. But once they got engaged and married, what a different dynamic. It’s nice for Clark to have some to talk to and she’s a big help too!
Green Arrow & Black Canary

Yeah this is one of those couple’s that should never work and yet they do. Oliver is so headstrong and opinionated, but Dinah seems to be able to tame that side of him and see the real person beneath. They are fantastic together. Yes I know they got married, and DC botched it, but I still they they’re awesome as a couple. The best part is they made great partners in the field also.
Nightwing & Starfire

These two are just adorable. It could be easy to just say Dick Grayson only loves Starfire because of how beautiful she is. But I think it’s more than that. She is such a free spirit and full of positive energy that it’s just irresistible. They tried to get married but didn’t quite make it. I should mention that Wonder Girl was married to a guy name Terry and while they’re wedding was amazing the marriage didn’t exactly end well.
Elongated Man & Sue Dibny

Another cute couple only the difference here is that the two are married and happily so. Until Identity Crisis, but that’s getting off topic. They were so awesome because they worked beautifully together. In fact Sue did a great job filling in minor roles in the Justice League when Ralph was a member. It’s remarkable to see a couple spend so much time together and still love each other.
Peter Parker & Mary Jane

As you should well know, not much of a Marvel fan. So obvious choices are missing like Ant Man and Wasp and Cyclops and Jean Grey. But ok let’s do this one. Just like with Lois Lane, Mary Jane was someone Peter could count on to help him in his troubled times. It’s nice to have someone to confide in and depend on. Until One More Day happened anyway.
Mr.Fantastic and Invisible Woman

So since I never read Fantastic Four, ever, why are they on here? I love that this relationship has not only endured, but flourished. There marriage was one of the firs comic book marriages and set the standard from then on. And then they had a couple kids, as their family grew. In the era when traditions are tossed like they mean nothing (Clark and Lois were no longer married in New 52, do I need to even mention One More Day?) it’s nice to know these two are still together.
Scott Free and Big Barda

I love this one because, this couple shouldn’t work! It reminds me of Roger Rabbit and Jessica, what on Earth does she see in him? Barda is big, strong, and you’d think would never give Scott another look. But she loves him and it really shows as she originally helps rescue him from Apokolips and marries him, and is always at his side. Even though Barda can be overbearing, there’s no doubt Scott loves her back.
Hawkman and Hawkwoman

This is one of those power couples who are always together and always kicking ass. There is never any doubt that these two love each other. And depending on what continuity you follow, they have been for centuries.
Aquaman and Mera

Aquaman and Mera do one thing none of these others do. Not only are they heroes together, but they are king and queen of the seven sea’s. Well, again depending on what continuity you follow. They also had to deal with something very few have in comics. I mentioned how Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman had children. So did Aquaman and Mera, and the child was killed! The death of their son didn’t just affect her emotionally but psychologically also. But she rocks and need I mention that she kicks ass?
Barry and Iris West/Wally West and Linda Park

Yeah I know that most people connect Barry Allen and Irish West when they think of The Flash. And yeah, that makes sense they really did love each other and they are great in the TV Show. But for me in the comics it was these two. They had great chemistry and I loved how Linda would roll up her sleeves and help once in awhile. These were both great women who complimented the heroes they loved perfectly.
So as I said I am sure I left plenty off, Marvel and DC. For instance, no Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor?? Nah. So comment and let know who you think belongs on here.
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