July 15, 2012

Top 5 Kick Ass Transformation Sequences

One of the coolest part of some cartoons is when the hero appears in a cool transformation sequence. Some shows just have the heroes mobilize in a cool way, but others will have a character who is not so amazing transform into the cool hero in a flashy sequence which usually has the coolest animation and is obviously where the money went to. Here are my favorite of these. These are the kick ass moments that we lived for, we waited for these moments and loved every second of them.
#5.Captain Planet
Yeah, this show was lame. It was preachy and a bit contrived. But the scene where Captain Planet is summoned is a favorite, and is the one cool thing this show generated. Let our powers combine!

#4. Sailor Moon

Not to familiar with this one, but had to include it. A little long, but awesome!
#3. Power Rangers
GO GO POWER RANGERS! No this isn't a cartoon but this animation is the thing that makes this show famous. I know it by heart even though I was never a fan of the show. Why? It's awesome!
Hell yeah! When the lions all merged together to form the robot Voltron, you stood up and cheered! This little 80's cartoon hasn't really stood the test of time, but damn it was awesome! I liked the action figure more than the cartoon, but still that transformation sequence is awesome.
#1. He-Man and She-RA
The gold standard, this is the transformation which set the tone for the other four and any others I missed on here. Prince Adam turning into He-Man was the coolest moment of any episode of Master of the Universe, it was a great transformation because it was cool and awesome, but not so long and dragged out you got bored watching it every episode. It was done just right so every time you say him say "By The Power of Greyskull" you got excited. She-Ra was pretty cool to, but a copy can't beat an original.
That's it, thanks for reading

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