March 3, 2024

Famous Sitcom Scenes:Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

 I had a new idea I thought I would try. Rather than just discuss an episode, I would take a famous scene from a sitcom and go over it. Sometimes a scene can leave such an impact that it transcends the show and becomes a part of pop culture. Chances are you can never see the show, but you have heard of this scene. And the impact is real even if you just watch the scene without any context for the rest of the show. So, I wanted to go over famous scenes and discuss why it worked (or possibly, failed).

Today I wanted to discuss a scene from a little show called..

This scene comes to us from episode 24, season 4 called "Papa's Got a Brand New Excuse". (yep, that one!) aired May 9, 1994. Yeah almost thirty years ago, how scary is that! -

Synopsis:Will's father returns after 14 years to spend time with him, and invites Will to travel with him over the summer.

Context: Ok the scene in question comes at the very end of the episode. So, what leads up to it? The episode begins with Will seeing his father watching him. Will recognizes him right away. After the credits his father, Lou, goes over and starts a conversation. At first Will is angry and doesn't really respond but accepts Lou as time goes on. Finally, Will invites Lou over to the house. At the house, the family is surprised to see Lou and Phil gets downright nasty. Despite Phil's objections Will does spend time with Lou, as he explains why he left and they bond. When Will and Lou announce that Will is going to go with Lou over the summer, Uncle Phil gets angry and the two have a very ugly fight where Will yells that Phil is not his father.

After a pointless filler scene meant to add a little comedy to the episode, not to mention give the other characters some screen time and fill out the run time no doubt, Phil goes to apologize to Will for getting angry and seems to believe when Will leaves for the summer he won't return, despite Will saying he will. This all leads to our big scene...

The Scene: It begins normally with Phil and Vivian with the baby Nicky. When Lou comes in and announces a change of plans. Suddenly, there won't be room for Will on the trip. Phil calls his bluff by saying that he will purchase a plane ticket so Will can meet up with Lou in two weeks. But Lou shoots that down, and after asking Vician to leave he lays into Lou. Lou tries to defend himself, but Phil says that Lou can't just run off and ignore his son. Lou tris to leave before seeing Will, but Will walks in before he can. Lou explains to Will that there was a change in plans, which Will understands the real meaning of immediately. When Lou walks out, will calling him Lou instead of dad, Will tries to pretend hes fine. He rants about how he doesn’t need his father before breaking down. We get the famous “how come he don’t want me” line as Phil embraces Will and the two cry End scene. 

Conclusion:that is the end. The scene just fades on the gift Will purchases. 

Thoughts: That description of course does not convey the amazing weight in the scene. I mocked the filler scene, but you can see why they felt they needed a few laughs. Man, did this scene leave an impression, but it works. For one thing, this is season 4 so we know these characters pretty well by now. Secondly, a lot of sitcoms will try to throw a laugh in there just to break the tension but there is none here. The last laugh is Vivian saying she doesn't want to miss it if Phil plans on hitting Lou. After that it's dead serious and the acting sells it. James Avery is incredible in these scenes after Will comes in, man can you see the pain in his eyes. It is ripping his heart out watching Lou do this to Will. People mention Will Smith and James Avery of course but Ben Vereen deserves credit also. Lou isn't a villain he's just a guy scared of responsibility. So scared he'd rather run away because it's all he knows. But in the end it's Will's scene and Will Smith truly showed his acting chops there.And of course, that final embrace is pitch perfect with the two hugging. Will Smith knocked it out of the park and the audience was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. In an interview Will said that as they embraced Avery whispered "Now that's acting!" Indeed. 

Nitpicks:So are there any gripes to the scene, or the episode as a whole? Not really, and I give the show credit for not doing bloopers over the end credits as usual. I guess if I had to gripe about one thing it would that these events are never followed up on, which is normal for this show. What did the rest of the family say to Will? Did Will tell his mother, I imagine she'd be pissed off!? But I guess we don't really need to see that stuff.

The scene is perfect and yes I'll attach the video below. It elevates the series from goofy show about a rapper to a well-regarded sitcom and vehicle for Will Smith's future acting career. Not gonna lie, just going over the scene for this made my eyes water up a bit. Yes it's that damn good! The show would try to top it the next season, but that moment doesn't hold a candle to this one. 

Let me know if you liked this maybe I can do more of them, plenty other scenes out there!!

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