December 10, 2021

Top 5 Favorite Christmas Elves

Santa Claus can't do it alone. So of course, he had elves to help make the toys and other things around the workshop. Apparently, elves began being associates with Santa in the mid 1800's, and just kind became part of the folklore as the years went on. Apparently, they didn't so much make the toys as keep an eye on kids to see who was naughty and who was nice. Kind of sounds like a certain elf on the shelf we have these days.

It was probably movies and TV that took the legends and make the elves a regular part of the holiday. Though some movies don't portray them great. Polar Express made them annoying jerks. The TV movie Santa Baby made them dumber than rocks. On the other hand, Disney's Prep and Landing shorts were one of the only time Elves were the show and Santa was the side character. Not only were they competent but Santa needed them to operate! Some movies or shows make them such good characters, they almost steal the show! Oh and just to be clear, I am only talking about Christmas elves. Of course elves exist outside the holiday as seen in everything from Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter to some horror movies I could mention. But for today the one rule they have to help Santa at the North Pole. 

#5.Buddy (Elf)

Of course this movie had to be here. Even if I do have issues with it. Though he's at the top since he is really an honorary elf. But man, is this guy positive and exuberant! He has so much love and excitement you can't help but be affected by it. Will Ferrell of course played the character perfectly and made the movie a classic. But I prefer the animated version from NBC a few years with Jim Parsons in the lead role. 

#4.Patch (Santa Claue-The Movie)

There are a lot of things wrong in this movie but one thing that was done well was Patch. The lead Elf and a bit of an innovator. He's the kind of person always pushing to do things better and faster...even though that can often lead to products that aren't made very well. While Patch has a big heart and truly means well, he lacks common sense as he teams with an evil toy maker and nearly destroys the holiday as well himself.

#3.Bryony (Arthur Christmas)

This movie is pretty good though not perfect. The one character I absolutely loved was the elf that goes along for the ride. She is a perfectionist and has to make sure the wrapping is always done right. She is also full of energy and a lot of fun. She also gets a spot here for a very important reason..she is a she! Where is it written that the elves always have to be male?

#2.Bernard (The Santa Clause)

You may notice I didn't list the sequel above, there's a reason. Bernard is a no-nonsense elf who truly is the head elf, as he basically does the same role as a first officer on Star Trek. He takes charge and makes sure everything is on schedule. To be fair, I loved all the elves in he first movie they were so well played. They weren't dumbed down and since they were portrays by kids rather than adults it didn't give off a creepy vibe that often happens. David Krumholtz finds that perfect blend of no nonsense and whimsical. As for the second movie, they dumbed all the elves down including Bernard who doesn't even feel like the same character. No wonder he didn't do the 3rd. 

#1.Hermey (Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer)

Did you really think anyone else would be here? As I noted, elves associated with Santa had been around for awhile so I can't credit Rudolph for creating the concept. I think I can credit it for making the concept more popular. They did that by giving us such a great character. Hermie isn't a "misfit" really, he just doesn't want to be told he has to do what he is expected to do. He wants to be a dentist, then that's what he should be! He's also a brave guy not only does he go out on his own but later helps Yukon defeat the monster without hesitation. Everyone knows Hermey even getting a reference in the Elf movie I mentioned above. And to be fair to that god awful unofficial sequel Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer & The Island of Misfit Toys, Hermey is played pretty well there. 

Did I miss your favorite? Comment and let me know. 

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