July 7, 2021

Star Trek TOS Overview (A Taste of Armageddon)

 Yesterday we were introduced to the idea of Kirk vs the computer. We get another one today but the script, and the lesson, work a lot better. Though not perfectly.

Plot:On a diplomatic mission, the crew visit a planet that is waging a destructive war fought solely by computer simulation, but the casualties are supposed to be real.

Guest Stars:David Opatoshu as Anan 7 

Nitpick:I guess the rules regarding shields hadn't been worked out yet since Scotty refuses to bring the shields down and yet Ambassador Fox beams down safely anyway. 


Teaser-The Enterprise is on its way to make first contact at Eminar 7 when a warning signal informs them that no one is allowed to visit the planet. Visiting Ambassador Fox insists they go anyway to establish diplomatic relations. Fox is a moron who cares more about diplomacy than respecting the planet's rights. But he comes around a bit unlike the idiot in "The Galileo Seven". 

Act 1-The crew arrive expecting the worse but the landing party is met with a very welcoming and peaceful world. It's explained the ship was warned away for their own safety, even though the world seems peaceful. The landing party is led into the divisional control where Anan 7 welcomes them. He explains that diplomatic relations would be impossible due to the war. They have been at war with their neighbor Vendikar for 500 years. Kirk says that there are no indications of any kind of violent conflict. Anan says the casualties are large, and the Enterprise is in danger. Suddenly computers sound that an attack is occurring. However, the Enterprise reports no activity at all. It seems that the attack is held entirely on computers. The computers tallies casualties, who walk into disintegration chambers to be counted. Anan 7 then explains that the long war would ave destroyed their society by now, but there solution saves their culture. He also says that the computer registered the Enterprise as a casualty which means the entire crew must be killed within 24 hours.

Act 2-The landing party has been confined until the rest of the crew are beamed down. It's clear that the people put their society over the people who live in it. On the Enterprise Anan 7 fakes a call from Kirk telling Scotty the planet is open for shore leave. Scotty doesn't fall for it for a second. Spock uses his telepathic abilities to get the gaurd to release the door. They see a disintegration chamber, and watch as people willingly enter it but never come out again. Kirk destroys the chamber, and Anan 7 order the Enterprise destroyed. 

Act 3-On the Enterprise an attack from the planet is quickly taken care of by the screens being up. Moron Ambassador Fox insists they let him go down to the planet, despite being under attack. When Fox calls the planet Anan 7 uses that as an opportunity to get the ship to lower its screens. But Scotty refuses to lower the screens, even if it means openly defying Fox. Kirk invades Anan 7's quarters looking for their communicators. Anan is able to call for security, who after a struggle take Kirk as prisoner. It took two sentences to describe a five minute scene!

Act 4-Ambassafor Fox beams down and is greeted by Anan 7, who explains that they have to killed as a war casualty. Spock is able to contact the Enterprise and tells them not to let anyone beam down under any circumstances. Spock needs to rescue the ambassador and the captain, and manages to save Fox before he's disintegrated. In the council room Anan pleads with Kirk to allow his crew be disintegrated, or else a real war will cause countless tragedies and suffering. Anan contacts the Enterprise and tells Kirk to order the crew to beam down, but instead he tells Scotty to use General Order 24. In two hours time the Enterprise will annihilate the planet. Spock makes is way to the council room and rescues Kirk (who didn't really need rescuing) who decides that he's going to destroy the computers that make war. Once the computers are destroyed the other planet will assume the treaty has been broken and will start using real weapons. If Anan wants to prevent real war, the two planets better start negotiating. Anan says there is a communication channel, which hasn't been used in ages. Later, Fox has remained to work out a peace treaty as the Enterprise leaves the planet. 

Final Thoughts:I love the final speech Kirk gives about how the people have made war neat and clean rather than something to be avoided due to the horror of it. It also keeps them from negotiating for peace since it's so neat and clean. To bad the bulk of the episode is padded out which drags it down. At least in this one when Kirk destroys the computers he and his crew have been threatened. I also give the show credit for making Anan 7 sympathetic, he's not evil he's just doing what he feels he has to. One highlight is that this is really Scotty's episode to finally break out of the mold he had been in and start to be the excitable character we would know and love. 

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