Three years ago I talked about Batman team-up's with characters from different franchises and/or comic companies. That's all and well good, but what about team up's with his fellow DC heroes? Aside from Superman, who will always be The World's Finest, that's one area I never covered. So let's talk about some of them.

The funny thing about Batman is whikle he is a dark loner, he also works great with other heroes. He's had real partners including Robin, The Outsiders, and every version of The JLA. This is because despite his grim style he is also a good teacher. The other heroes respect him and look up to him, and while Batman has flaws he is always willing to offer guidance. It also helps that since he has no godlike powers, others probably feel less intimated than they do with someone like Superman who can save the day all by himself. I said before when I discovered the old Brace and The Bold series I loved them. Here are ten of my favorite Batman team up's with DC characters.
And yes I know about the Brave and The Bold cartoon but I've never watched it. Let's limit to this comics, and no team books since that's not the same.
The Joker
Yeah how does this work? To be fair it probably wouldn't fly today. But back in the old days, before The Joker was so psychotic it was almost ludicrous, these two teamed up a couple times. Remember, Joker my be a homicidal maniac but he's also smart. So when his talents can be used to help, why not take advantage of it? He teamed up with others in his rogue's gallery but these are the memorable one's