Awhile back I talked about some of the goofier transporter malfunctions on Star Trek. Writers love making that piece of technology fail in some spectacular way. But the transporter isn’t the only one. When we were first introduced to the holodeck in TNG, you just knew crazy malfunctions were on the way. And we sure got them!
To be fair holodecks were used for many things, like training exercises or just the crew killing some time. It duplicated the original Enterprise bridge in “Relics” and helped Seven of Nine explore her humanity in Voyager. But they are the most fun when things don’t go quite as planned!
So this list covers actual malfunctions so lots of episodes don’t count like the idiotic holo-novels we got also on Voyager (Seriously who thought tat was a good idea?) or the boring as all hell TNG “Cost of Living” episode. Also doesn’t include “Hollow Pursuits” which deserves its own underrated article or the series finale of Enterprise which I’d rather not discuss anyway.
Here are the five best and worst Holodeck malfunctions. Starting with the Best (in no specific order)
The Big Goodbye

Ok ok, this is not my favorite episode. It’s full of season one tropes that makes it hard for me to get into. The malfunction doesn’t even make sense, aliens scanning them cause the malfunction? what? and yet Picard, Crusher, and Data end up stuck in a Dixon Hill simulation where, of course, the safeties are off. Time is also of the essence due to aliens which really play no part in anything. There is some great dialogue here and it did set a standard that the rest of these episode, good or bad, will follow. The setting and mood is good, 40’s detective noir, and the Dixon Hill program would return again which cool.