I’ve talked about how much I loved the original Star Trek, and a lot of
that stuff really holds up. The transporter is still damn cool, the bio
beds are neat (if simplistic), tricorders are awesome (though they never
looked they really did what the characters said they did) and the
phasers and communicators still kick ass. Other things have been fixed
like the lame chronometer Sulu would look at is much better in the
enhanced version of the episodes. But other things are..not as cool. It
only makes sense that a show created fifty years ago would like kind of
dated in certain areas. Thank goodness the stories and characters are
Of course this is just for fun, heck even early TNG is starting to look dated so it only makes sense some things in TOS just seem silly. Here are five examples :
Spock’s Scanner and Bridge Buttons

It’s a question which has baffled me for ages. What the hell is Spock looking at through that scanner? When I was a kid I didn’t get it at all, and as an adult I kind of do. I wonder if Leonard Nimoy enjoyed that blue light flashing in his eyes? Scotty has his own and Sulu also had a version, but it still doesn’t answer the question. What the heck were they seeing in that thing??? Speaking of what the heck was up with jelly filled buttons and flashing lights which had no apparent meaning? Though the crew understood what the flashing meant. At least the ear piece made sense, even if it was silly that they had to use them.
Of course this is just for fun, heck even early TNG is starting to look dated so it only makes sense some things in TOS just seem silly. Here are five examples :
Spock’s Scanner and Bridge Buttons

It’s a question which has baffled me for ages. What the hell is Spock looking at through that scanner? When I was a kid I didn’t get it at all, and as an adult I kind of do. I wonder if Leonard Nimoy enjoyed that blue light flashing in his eyes? Scotty has his own and Sulu also had a version, but it still doesn’t answer the question. What the heck were they seeing in that thing??? Speaking of what the heck was up with jelly filled buttons and flashing lights which had no apparent meaning? Though the crew understood what the flashing meant. At least the ear piece made sense, even if it was silly that they had to use them.