April 7, 2016

Ten Earworms From Cartoons That Will Never Go Away!!

Remember about a month ago I talked about those songs or jingles that crawl into your head and stay there..even if they’re incredibly annoying or stupid? Cartoons are really guilty of this. In fact on my list last time I mentioned the Ducktales theme, which will never leave!

Here it is again if you forgot..

Aren’t I a wiseass?

Yep, cartoons are prime for ear worms. Of course this makes perfect sense, with kids attention spans being as brief as they are you need something quick and catchy that they will remember. Sometimes it’s the theme song, sometimes it’s a song in one of the episodes, and sometimes it isn’t a song at all but a piece of music that is just so…awesome!! Either way, cartoons always find a way to make them unforgettable.

Here now are ten earworms from children’s cartoons that never left my head…sadly.

The Brady Kids Opening
Yeah I hated this cartoon. Actually I hate any cartoon based on a sitcom, it just gets stupid and I guess my imagination just can’t go that far (Happy Days gang in a time machine? Ugh). But even though I hated the show, the theme song is one that I can never forget it. It’s a good tune (since it’s sung by the kids it has a quasi professional tone to it) and does sum up this stupid, stupid show pretty well.

He-Man Horn of Good Song
Oh man, this is the perfect example of a bad ear worm.  Years ago I found this wav clip from a He-Man and the Masters of the Universe episode, and when I heard the song I remembered it instantly. The problem? I had no idea what the hell episode it was from! And didn’t for many years. But I finally found it, and it did sort of come back to me when I saw the clip. If you care it comes from the episode “Dree Elle’s Return” (which sucked maybe that’s why I never remember it). Prepare yourselves, this is “It’s a Small World” levels of corny. Fair warning, it will never ever leave.I know, it was in my head all day today!

Muppet Babies Theme Song
I adored this show growing up, it was just a great TV show. And it all started with the opening theme music which is pitch perfect

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Spongebob Square Pants Intro
Yeah while I have hardly watched anything Spongebon related, since I was a bit old when it first came on, even I can never forget that opening. Who lives in a pinecone under the sea?  Teenage Mtant Ninja Turtles is the same. I am pretty sure I have never seen a second of the cartoon, but even I know that catchy theme song. And why not it’s a great one!

Hot Dog Song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

CGI animated show may be more new, but they’re no exception. Thanks to my little nephew I got to watch this show. A lot. And there are lots of potential ear worms from it to theme song to the Toodles song and music when he appears. But I decided to go with this one. So annoying and yet..so ctachy. Have you ever noticed it makes no sense at all?

Schoolhouse Rock, Unpacking Your Adjectives

Ok this is cheating a bit since this was a PSA not a real series. But it still applies. I did a whole article on SchoolHouse Rock but this one had tp be mentioned again. This was buried int the back of my head for ages until I watched it again. And man, did I remember it fast! Not here because it’s my favorite but because it was an earworm, just a quiet one.

Inspector Gadget Theme
It’s just so simple. In a way, it’s lame and boring. I mean, it’s basically the same line sung over and over again. And yet this catchy tune made us watch and watch.

Superfriends Main Title

It was pretty hard for me as a kid to read a comic book and not hear the Superfriends theme especially during a fight scene. It was a great theme that lasted through all the incarnations of the show, from the goofy Marvin and Wendy days to to ye more serious Super Powers era.

X-Men Theme

I know what everyone is thinking, yeah the Superfriends theme was fine but it was no X-Men theme. What can I say? You’re right. I never watched the show but man do I know this theme. It just plain ROCKS! I find it odd that no one ever talks about the opening to Batman:The Animated Series. As amazing as that show, the intro seems to be the one thing everyone is kind of warm about.

Battle of the Planets Opening

This was in my head for ages, and I could not figure out what the hell it was for. I confused with Superfriends because they both use the same announcer. But one day on YouTube I finally remembered. Battle of the Planets  This was am American version of Japanese Anime and in many ways was a Star Wars rip off that I barely remember watching…which  had an opening that I never, ever forgot. This show actually has a bit of history to it and is worth checking out.

Did I leave out your favorite? Comment below and let me know. And I’m sorry in advance for whichever one of these you can’t get out of your head tomorrow  :)

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