I decided to push my game show
week off till next week. With the holiday and not feeling well the
articles aren't quite ready yet. But since I wanted to have something
for you guys, here is a little list I cobbled together. Enjoy!
good movies have villains, those bad people who are determined to get
what they want no matter who or what gets in the way. But today I wanted
to talk about the jerks. These are bullies or other characters that are
only here to aggravate our heroes and get us pissed off. They are
annoying and drive us crazy, and usually are here only to complicate
the situation for our heroes. The thing is we love to hate these guys
especially when they get their well deserved comeuppance at the end.
Here are my five favorites. These are from the 80's and 90's because, well, I don't call it 80's and 90's Central for nothing 

#5.Secretary of State Nimzki (Independance Day)
hated this guy, I mean the way he prosecuted Jerry,George, Kramer, and
Elaine was just....oh, sorry that was Seinfeld. Is James Rebhorn ever a
good guy? Anyway in this movie he is the wimpy Secretary of State who
keeps secrets even though it cost the lives of hundreds of pilots,
argues with the president over everything, and thinks nuclear weapons
are the one and only answer. This guy was a real jerk, and the scene
where he is finally fired by Bill Pullman's president is one of my
favorite moments of the film. Partly because it's a good character
moment for the president, but also because he finally puts this whiny
weasel in his place.
#4.Stuckey (PRETTY WOMAN)
does Pretty Woman, a silly Gary Marshall rom com,actually have a fist
pumping scene in it (for me anyway?) I hated Jason Alexander's character
in this movie. He was a sleezy jerk who was only interested in money.
But I think what makes this work isn't so much how much I hated him,
but how much I loved Julia Roberts as Vivian. You really grow to like
her by the end, so when Stuckey makes an agressive move to rape her
you're hoping Richard Gere appears to stop him. Of course, he does and I
LOVE the scene where Richard Gere punches him. I cheered (and my father
looked at me like I was crazy, never forgotthat). And then Gere chews
him out which is even better! When Seinfeld came onI breifly hated
George because I hated his character here so much. But of course on the
series he was a lovable loser, in this movie was a slimy sleezeball.
#3.Richard Thorburg (DIE HARD)
talks about the action, John McLean, and just how awesome this movie
is! I lovec it as much as anyone. You know what was one of the most
memorable parts for me? That damn reporter! I HATED this guy, and when
he got punched in the end it was one of the best moments ever! If you've
never seen the movie, the reporter in this movie is a jerk who gets in
the way of the plot. The worst thing he does is bascially break into
John McClane's home to interview
his kids, harassing the maid and scaring the kids to death. Not to
Nice job jerk, now the villain has something to barter with! All is good
in the end, and this guy was such a popular jackass he came back in the
second movie. Which I don't remember as well. Of course William
Atherton has made a career playing jerks, including the obnoxious Walter
Peck in Ghostbusters who really should be on this list now that I think
about it.
#2.Biff Tannen (Back to the Future, 1st only)
could I forget my all-time favorite bully? Before he was turned into
the straight up villain in the sequel, this guy was just an obstacle for
our hero to overcome. We see him hitting on Lorraine even though she
clearly has nointerest. Then he is abusive to George for no apparent
reason. Then he tries torun Marty down in his car...nice! Thomas F
Wilson did a fantastic job making Biff charming because of how stupid he
really he is, messing up catch phrases and acting without thinking. But
of course the best part is the end, where one of my favorite, if not
THE favorite, moments of comeuppance happens. Youall know it, but in
case you don't I will explain. After George has interupted Biff trying
to rape Lorraine (gee, kind of dark) Biff has George's arm twisted back
while Lorraine's attempt to stop get her thrown onto the ground.He is
laughing hysterically. So George, in one of the best character moments
in any movie, rallies his strength, forms a fist, and nails Biff right
in the face. The scene is fantastic, and I don't care how many times I
have seen this movie I love it every single time! The best part is that
it is George who beats him, this makes sense since he was really
George's nemsis. This all gets undone in the sequel, but that is a
subject for another day.
#1 Ed Rooney (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
movie has no real "villain". Ferris isn't battling anyone or anything
(except possibly social convention). Ever notice he doesn't mention
Rooney once? And by the way. Ed Rooney isn't a villain really. Think
about it, all he wants to do is make sure the students he watches over
are not corrupted by Ferris and they can be all they can be. But the way
he does it, he comes off as a bully. He has good intentions but is
really just a big jerk. I mean stalking Ferris, harassing
people,breaking and entering the parents’ house,
and doing other things that would at least get him fired. It is just so
much fun hating him as he gleefully talks about taking Ferris down.
This movie does a good job of keeping us liking Ferris and hating Ed,
because in another movie Ferris would be the bad guy and Ed the hero!
But Matthew Broderick's charm wins out and Jeffrey Jones sliminess is
just perfect. And it is one of my favorite moments of comeuppance in any
movie. This guy gets his car towed, he gets stuck in some mud, attacked
by a dog, and kicked,yes kicked!, in the face three times! And then he
gets attacked by the dog again! The scene were Jeannie tosses his wallet
into the mud is a great moment and not only a fitting end for Rooney
but a solid way of ending her character arc. Simply put, watching this
guy suffer is one of the best parts of the movie, and I have seen it
many times.
Of course there are plenty of others I could have chosen.Who is your favorite movie jerks?
Let's see... I would throw all of the villains/bullies from the Karate Kid movies on as honorable mentions. I do think the ones from the first movie need to be on the list.
ReplyDeleteI think Biff should have been number 1 though. The guy who plays him gets to virtually play the same character in all three movies.
I did this in order of who got the biggest comeuppance, and Ed wins that award. As for Karate Kid I hated them but not in that "love to hate" way, I just hated them. I only saw that movie once as a kid.