May 12, 2012

Analytical Episode Guide-Seinfeld (Season 6, Part 3)

An Analytical Episode Guide to :

Season  6, Part 3

Episode 13, Season 6
The Scofflaw
Plot Summary-Jerry discovers a friend has been lying to him about having cancer. George considers getting a toupee. Kramer wants a new look and settles on an eye patch. He also discovers a secret about Newman. Elaine runs into an old boyfriend.
Best Quote-“Who’s he not to tell you about his life threatening illness? His illness is your business!”…Jerry (this is one of my favorites but I can’t do it justice here)
Nitpick of the episode-It is hard to believe that Elaine couldn’t see how her getting the same glasses as Jake would blow up in her face by giving them to Mr.Lippman.
Seinfeldism of the episode-Elaine tries to get the upper hand in her post breakup relationship with Jake. We also learn the difference between “saying hi” and “sending regards”.
Deleted Scenes-We actually see Gary try to pick up the quiet woman in the coffee shop
Episode Fun Fact- I do give the show credit for having a cancer related story which manages to be funny and inoffensive.  
Final Thoughts-Jon Lovitz plays one of the most boring characters ever. It’s no wonder they killed him off a few episodes from now. Aside from that, this is an ok episode. Yeah, the stuff about Newman being the white whale is kind of lame. Elaine’s story is pretty good as we get to see Jake Jarmel one last time and the scene where she buys the guys classic is cute. Although the coincidence that he would step out in front of George’s car, in front of the coffee shop where Kramer was, is a little hard to believe. Jerry’s story has a real bad payoff. When Jerry finally reveals to Fogel that he knew about the lie the moment is a letdown. Kramer’s new look and the whole white whale thing is a letdown, and George’s story is so weak he needs to start a new one half way through about the toupee in order to get through the episode.
Grade=C , points for effort but that’s all

Episode 14 & 15, Season 6
The Highlights of 100
Plot Summary-An hour long look back at highlights from the first 100 episodes
Best Quote-“There have been some relationships that haven’t worked out, ambitions that were unfulfilled. Hopes dashed, some property damage, hurt feelings. I know one guy got deported. Physical injury and alright maybe even a death or two.”
Nitpick of the episode-None for this episode.
Seinfeldism of the episode-None for this episode.
Deleted Scenes-None for this episode.
Episode Fun Fact-The syndicated version has a second opening for part 2 not seen in the original
Final Thoughts-Clip show, but a really good one. Very well done including the great opening montage.

Episode 16, Season 6
The Beard
Plot Summary-Elaine poses as a beard for a gay man, who she decides she really likes. Jerry tries to convince a female cop that he has never watched Melrose Place. George enjoys his new toupee until Elaine takes action, while Kramer sets George up with an old female friend who, it turns out, has more in common with George than he could have thought.
Best Quote-“I don’t like this thing, and here’s what I’m doing with it!”…..Elaine in a great moment
Nitpick of the episode-While I can understand why Jerry might be a little embarrassed to admit he watched Melrose Place, seems like it would have been easier to confess. I could also point out how boring a police department it is that we see since the officers have nothing better to do than draw sketches of women and give polygraphs for no real reason.
Seinfeldism of the episode-George advises Jerry that “it’s not a lie, if you believe it”. Elaine tries conversion on her gay friend but Jerry tries to explain that when you join that team it’s not a whim, he’s set with that team. Great stuff in this episode.
Deleted Scenes-Jerry comments on Elaine’s attempt to convert a gay man
Episode Fun Fact-When Elaine rips the toupee off and George races after it, the blinds on the window crash into his head. Apparently Jason Alexander suffered a minor injury doing that.
Final Thoughts-I love the Melrose Place stuff in this episode! Sure, it kind of dates the episode but it’s a lot of fun. The scene where Elaine rips the toupee off of George is a classic, and it is kind of refreshing to see him return to his normal self. It’s funny how unlikable George becomes when he ceases to be whiny and neurotic. Kramer’s story is so dumb! He stands in a police line-up a couple times. That’s it! It’s like the writers ran out of ideas for him this season. They try to tie it in with the homeless man in the start, but it’s so stupid. Elaine’s story is actually a good solid story. It has a good start where we find out she is helping a friend, then we see her wanting to date him even though he’s which leads to a satisfying conclusion. Nice to see and the explanation Elaine gives for why the relationship failed is really clever. I love the ending with the Melrose Place theme, a great moment. Not being a fan of that show I never knew the answers to the questions the interrogator asks Jerry, until my then-wife was kind enough to inform me one time when we saw this episode.
Grade=B+, solid episode except for Kramer (again)

Episode 17, Season 6
The Kiss Hello
Plot Summary-Elaine has a friend named Wendy who is a physical therapist. Jerry tries to get her to stop kissing him hello. George is charged for an appointment with her he had to miss, and Elaine injures herself after Jerry drops her off from a ski trip a few blocks from her building. Meanwhile, Kramer comes up with an idea to put pictures up in the lobby of his building so all the tenants will be friends, and Jerry has to mediate a dispute between his grandmother, Uncle Leo and his parents.
Best Quote-“Thank you very much for putting my picture up on that wall. I’m like Richard Dawson down there now”….Jerry
Nitpick of the episode-You gotta love Jerry’s father in this one. Does he really think Helen is going to go after Leo, her brother, for back payment on the interest on the $50 he was supposed to give her years ago? By the way, I kind of liked Kramer’s idea in this episode but in the real world that would never work. And finally, I would have yelled at George too for asking Wendy about his arm. It doesn’t occur to him how annoying it would be to have people coming up asking you health questions all day?
Seinfeldism of the episode-Jerry wants off the kiss hello program with Wendy
Deleted Scenes-None for this episode
Episode Fun Fact-This was the official 100th episode
Final Thoughts-Jerry at his most neurotic, he even beats George out in this one. He obsesses about getting kissed hello and decides to stop no matter what the consequences. When the consequences are the building hating him he realizes his mistake and tries to make up for it. This is a classic George story but in this episode it’s Jerry who goes for the ride. This episode is only ok. The physical therapist gets involved with everyone and that kind of makes the episode dull since its essentially one story. The exception is Jerry who gets two stories for the price of one. One is obsessing about the kiss hello. We also get the story about Jerry’s grandmother and Uncle Leo, which is pretty good to. Of course the classic moment in this episode is the one where Kramer actually plants one on Jerry. It’s not a favorite moment of mine, but it works in the context of the episode. Kramer gets a decent story in this one but it’s really here to affect Jerry’s life and goes nowhere for him.
 Grade=B-, all about Jerry in this one

Episode 18, Season 6
The Doorman
Plot Summary-Jerry runs afoul of a doorman. His attempt to be friends causes a couch to be stolen from Mr.Pitt’s building where Elaine is house-sitting. George tries to find a way to get his father out of his apartment while Kramer comes up with an idea for an undergarment for older men. 
Best Quote-“I was throwing up all night. It was like my own personal Crying Game”….George about his father
Nitpick of the episode-While it has a great payoff, Kramer pretending to mug George in front of some German tourists is kind of dumb.
Seinfeldism of the episode-The Bro or Man-zier
Deleted Scenes-Frank making Kasha, Kramer and Frank talking about the botched meeting with the bra salesman
Episode Fun Fact-The product Kramer creates in this episode prompted a similar real life product.
Final Thoughts-Larry Miller is just great in this episode as the odd doorman. This is actually a very well done episode, with some great moments including a brilliant spoof of Marathon Man. The scene where Elaine and Jerry hash out their story about what happened with the doorman is very well done. Kramer and Frank are great together, and this episode is no exception. George’s frantic effort to get his parents together is great, especially the scene where George and his mother walk in on Kramer and Frank trying the Bro on. We get a decent Kramer idea and even get a Poppie cameo in the end, which is really funny!
Grade=A-, I may be alone but I hated the tag with Frank and George. Just doesn’t work for me.

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