April 28, 2012

Analytical Episode Guide-Seinfeld (Season 6, Part 1)

An Analytical Episode Guide to :

Season  6, Part 1

By the time season 6 had rolled around, Seinfeld was officially NBC’s mega-hit. This was the year it exploded, because it was paired on the same night as Mad About You and a new show called Friends. Add ER at 10:00, and you had a powerhouse lineup. However, at the same time many say that this was the year Seinfeld started to get a bit stale. The stories and the writing just weren’t up to standard. Is that true? Well, let take a look as we begin season 6.

Episode 1, Season 6
The Chaperone
Plot Summary-Jerry has a date with a Miss American contestant, but things don’t go as planned when Kramer goes along and becomes the girl’s chaperone. George pushes for cotton uniforms for the Yankees, while Elaine gets a new job being a personal assistant to Mr.Pitt.
Best Quote-“That was just Kramer. Apparently I killed Ms.Rhode Islands doves with the bucket of water last  night”…..Jerry
Nitpick of the episode-Magic was her talent? Doves???? And having them killed by Jerry was just dumb.
Seinfeldism of the episode-Jerry starts using his famous “That’s a shame”. George actually says it first, but Jerry adopts it. This is my personal favorite; I also adopted it and use it to this day.
Deleted Scenes-More with Mr.Pitt and Elaine
Episode Fun Fact- This was the first episode for director Andy Ackerman, and you could feel his influence right away. However, it took several episodes for that influence to be positive.
Final Thoughts-And we’re off, with a real weak episode. One gets the feeling that the creators decided to make the show bigger. I mean the Miss America pageant?  Seinfeld is supposed to be about the little things that happen in life, how does that make sense? George pushing for cotton uniforms…gee, wonder how that will work out? Elaine having to buy socks for Mr.Pitt, yeah that’s hilarious. The worst part of this episode is that for once Kramer comes off as unlikable. This episode is so badly written by the end Jerry and Kramer feel like supporting characters in the Miss America contestant’s story!
Grade=D, this is the first episode to come after two months off?

Episode 2, Season 6
The Big Salad
Plot Summary-Jerry dates a woman who was rejected by Newman. Elaine deals with a creepy stationary store guy when she needs to be a pencil for Mr.Pitt. George is annoyed when Elaine thanks his girlfriend Julie for the salad he bought her. Kramer gets into a fight with a friend on a golf course, and then worries when that friend is later a suspect in a murder.
Best Quote-“She went out with Newman!”….Jerry
Nitpick of the episode-I agree with George on this one. Why did Elaine thank Julie when George bought the salad? He has every right to be annoyed though he could have just let it go. Also, I love the scene where George notes how fascinated he is that Bobby Hebert’s named is Herbert minus the R. Here is my question, why is this fascinating exactly? So what? Judging by Julie’s face as he discusses it, she agrees with me. This nit was just for fun, more serious complaints come below!
Seinfeldism of the episode-Jerry uses the phrase “buh-bye” which was popular in the 90’s
Deleted Scenes-Jerry discussing stationery stores
Episode Fun Fact-Obviously this episode was meant to satire the O.J. Simpson story which had broken the summer before. The final scene includes footage from the actual chase in LA. This is also the first episode to use the brand new New York Street the studio built just for the show.
Final Thoughts- Sometimes an idea seems like a great idea, but it really isn’t. That’s my take on Kramer’s story in this episode. Not only is it dated now, but it’s just not funny. At least when Murphy Brown did the same thing they were commenting on the situation. The worst part is that in order to make the story work they had to make Kramer a stickler for following rules. The same Kramer who encouraged Jerry to urinate in a garage (and actually said the line “don’t you get tired of following rules”?), illegally scalped tickets to an opera, told George to park in a handicap spot, stole live lobsters out of commercial traps, and will in future episodes try smoking indoors, scamming the post office, and work with Newman on a bottle deposit scam? Yeah, he’s a real stickler for rules! I don’t understand why the episode needed that anyway; it would have worked just the same without that bit. As bad as that is, Elaine is even worst in this one! Why would she tell the stationary store guy to order the pencil and then buy it somewhere else? It just doesn't make sense. She already thought he was a creep, that is why she gave the guy Jerry’s number, why do anything to cause a situation where she would have to apologize to him? The guy asks the very same thing I just did and obviously asks her out. She says yes, but I don’t feel bad for her she made her own bed with that one. It just doesn’t make sense. Jerry’s story is the good one; I can see how dating someone who not only went out with, but was rejected by, Newman would be unsettling. How bad is this episode? Newman is the best character in it!  
Grade=C-, Newman saves one!

Episode 3, Season 6
The Pledge Drive
Plot Summary-Jerry gets a thank you card from his girlfriend after agreeing to help with the PBS pledge drive and proceeds to offend her by throwing the card away to soon. Kramer encourages Jerry to cash his grandmother’s old checks, which causes the woman to disappear. Elaine disrupts the relationship between her friend Noreen and her guy who happens to be a high talker with a very similar voice. George thinks people keep giving him the middle finger. Elaine is mystified when Mr.Pitt eats a Snickers with a knife and fork.
Best Quote-“We were just talking about you. Listen, Jerry doesn’t want to talk to you. Nobody wants to talk to you. So why don’t you just drop dead!”….Elaine to Jerry’s grandmother
Nitpick of the episode-I disagree with Jerry’s attitude about cards, but that’s because I grew up in a family that took greeting cards very seriously. I actually agree with Kramer when he criticizes Jerry not cashing his grandmother’s checks, that is kind of rude but you can’t take checks that are years old and cash them!!!!!!
Seinfeldism of the episode-Noreen is dating a high talker, who has a very high pitched voice
Deleted Scenes-Mr.Pitt commenting on Elaine’s coffee, Elaine explains the difference between a high talker and a loud talker, Kramer commenting on Jerry throwing his card away
Episode Fun Fact-Of course, the high talker’s voice is not the real actors voice. This is the first episode to not end with Jerry’s stand up routine, they were phased out to make room for more story.
Final Thoughts-This episode tries real hard! This season would begin the trend of having episodes with almost too many stories, to the point where there are so many things to cover that stories don’t get any real ending, the stories just kind of stop because they’ve run out of time. This episode is like that. I did like the whole thing with eating hand food with a knife and fork, that was kind of clever. No one would eat Snickers with a knife and fork, but when you think about why can’t you? If Elaine knows that Noreen and his boyfriend have the same voice, why isn’t she more careful when she calls? The scene with Jerry’s grandmother in the ally is a favorite of mine. Kramer’s story is pretty dull and George’s story is barely a story.
Grade=B-, some great gags but the stories just kind of go nowhere

Episode 4, Season 6
The Chinese Woman
Plot Summary-Jerry makes a date with a woman he who he thinks it Chinese, but in reality is not. Elaine and Jerry see George’s father with a man in a cape. Turns out the man is Frank’s lawyer, and he is discussing the possible divorce between Frank and Estelle. Kramer has a low sperm count and tries to get off jockeys. Elaine continues to interfere with her friend Noreen, until Kramer steps in.
Best Quote-“I’m out there Jerry and I’m loving every minute of it”….Kramer
Nitpick of the episode-The idea that George’s phone lines are crossed with the Chinese woman is so absurd that it makes it into the script. When Jerry tells George about the lines being crossed, he makes a face like it’s the dumbest thing he ever heard. There’s a reason for that, it is.
Seinfeldism of the episode-Kramer wears jockeys because “my boys” need a house
Deleted Scenes-The scene about Kramer not wearing underwear was longer
Episode Fun Fact-The man in the cape was played, of course, by Larry David
Final Thoughts-The story with Elaine and Noreen is even worst in this episode than it is in the last. The end has Kramer revealing he may have impregnated Noreen, but someone must have realized this was dumb because it’s never brought up again, and Noreen is never seen again. I understand that they wanted to do something with Frank and Estelle, but having them separate never sat well with me.  The bit with the Chinese woman is pretty clever, with all the subconscious Chinese references. Kramer’s story is lame, although Michael Richards gets some good laughs with it. The tag at the end where the man in the cape rescues Noreen is so dumb, thankfully she never appears again.
Grade=B-, this episode really feels like a continuation of the previous one, which isn’t a great thing.

Episode 5, Season 6
The Couch
Plot Summary-Freedom of choice issues affect Elaine’s relationship and Kramer’s new business. Jerry gets a new couch which ends up ruined by Poppie. George tries to read Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but ends up watching the movie with the family who happened to rent it.
Best Quote-Is it? Could it? Could he have?...It is!”….Jerry
Nitpick of the episode-I know Jerry and Elaine didn’t know about Poppie’s special condition, but five alarm chili and wine? What were they thinking? George never ceases to amaze me, the way he pushes his way into a stranger’s house to watch the movie. If that wasn’t bad enough, he shushes the wife as she talks about a dying relative! He even manages to ruin the families couch! He reaches new levels of rudeness with every episode, and in the next one he really crosses a line.
Seinfeldism of the episode-Kramer’s idea for a pizza place where you make your own pie goes all the way back to the second episode.
Deleted Scenes-George discusses joining the book club for his girlfriend as Jerry looks over couches in a longer opening. We also hear how much George loves velvet in this deleted scene, the funny thing is that this dialogue would be called back in a latte episode. Also, the scene with Kramer visiting Poppie in the hospital was longer and Kramer chews out Jerry and Elaine about their gift in yet another deleted moment.
Episode Fun Fact-At the top of the scene where Poppie urinates on the sofa, we see Jerry sitting on the couch with newspapers strewn about. The papers are actually to cover the fact the spot is already there, hidden until the proper reveal.
Final Thoughts-For some reason this episode feels like it belongs in season 5, but maybe that’s a good thing.  This is actually a really good episode. The way that the show discussed abortion in this episode is very good. Especially in the scene were Poppie and Kramer argue over when it’s a pizza, is it a pizza when you take it out of the oven or when you first put your fist in the dough? Brilliant. The same thing happens with Elaine and her boyfriend although that isn’t as subtle. The way Jerry uses the abortion issue to manipulate Elaine is priceless, and his reaction to what Poppie does to his sofa is hilarious. George is, well, George.
Grade=A-, Very good episode (at last!)

Episode 6, Season 6
The Gymnast
Plot Summary-Jerry dates a gymnast, Kramer suffers from kidney stones. George’s girlfriend’s mother thinks he is a bum. 3-D art mesmerizes Mr.Pitt.
Best Quote-“Well you my friend have crossed the line that divides man and bum. You are now a bum”…Jerry to George
Nitpick of the episode-Not worst than what he did in The Fire, but what George does in this episode is just gross! He tries to defend it, but what it comes down to is he took some food, that had been bitten into, out of the trash and ate it!! How can anyone justify that one, Yuck!! By the way, the development that George takes his shirt off when he goes to the bathroom is a little forced; we know he has never done that before. It’s a little late in the series run to start creating new character traits like that.
Seinfeldism of the episode-Kramer mentions his fear of clowns again
Deleted Scenes-The scene where George comes out of the bathroom without a shirt was longer originally, another scene had George trying to explain away his eating out of the trash to the mother
Episode Fun Fact-The night this episode aired was supposed to be a stunt night on NBC called Blackout Thursday. The gimmick was Mad About You would cause a blackout that would affect Friends, Seinfeld, and Madman of the People (the one horrible show on that night). However, Larry David refused to participate so the stunt ended not quite working. I give credit to Larry David for not agreeing to such a silly idea, and it shows what kind of clout a top rated sitcom can have.
Final Thoughts-Kramer’s story is not funny for me because I have had kidney stones, and that really hurts. Despite that this is a funny episode. George makes the worst possible impression he can with his girlfriend’s mother, and at the end when he comes out of the bathroom without a shirt on you can just see him accept that he has messed up and will ever redeem himself. Elaine kind of steps aside to let Mr.Pitt be the focus, and we get one of the most blatant Hitler references on any Seinfeld episode. Jerry’s story is only ok. Nice of Seinfeld to memorialize one of the odder fads of the 90’s, 3-D art.
Grade=B+, Not that bad at all

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