September 7, 2024

Five Things I Liked in Spider-man 3

 Recently I decided to revisit the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. It’s hard to believe the first one is over 20 years old! As I watched them something occurred to me, The first was sillier than I remember. The second was ok. AndI think of the three the third one is the closest to being a good movie. ok ok let me explain…

Spider-Man 3 was released on April 30,2007 and people were pumped that they were doing the whole Venom story. Even I was as that was the only Spidee-Man story I ever read. And, yeah, it was a letdown in many ways. But I insist there are good things in this movie! 

Mary Jane 

Yeah in the first two movies I agree with the masses about Mary Jane. She’s a little too perfect and doesn’t even feel like a real character. Kirsten Dunst is fine but the character is flat. In this movie for once she feels real. I finally empathized with her. Yeah they kinda ruined with the whole Harry nonsense but at least I cared! 


I’m no fan of Thomas Hayden Church. Even when he was on Wings. But man does he nail the role here. Sandman goes from a dime a dozen villain to a tragic figure with a compelling backstory. It’s really very well done. It’s just to bad the other fifty plot points in the movie bury it so you forget he’s even there by the end. 

Harry as hero 

It’s hard to know how to feel about Harry’s plot that runs through all three films. First, it’s based on a misunderstanding so we have no sympathy we’re just waiting for him to find out the truth. Second, his manipulation of Mj is ridiculous why do that? He’s not evil! And I won’t even get into the amnesia stuff. But at the end when all the nonsense is past and he helps Peter it’s welcome and well done. 


As I said I was all in about seeing Venom. And while we don’t see him enough, what we go get is really pretty good. Yeah Eddie Brock’s hatred of Peter is lame but I still think he made Venom work. The effect was good and despite everything seeing him on the big screen was really good. 

Toby Maguire is trying 

I don’t often say this but this movie is definitely the fault of the director. The actors are trying and yes that includes Maguire as Emo Peter. He’s trying to make this work, he really is. And at first it kind of does. When he starts snapping and yelling at people, his take down of Eddie, even his angry fight with Sandmam works. The problem is the movie goes the wrong way with it, and when Peter starts dancing it gets silly. And his using Gwen to get back at Mj is stupid on so many levels. Thr less said about that dance scene the better! When we finally get to the bell tower scene it doesn’t feel earned. Which is to bad because they scene is good. Just doesn’t have the weight it should have. The final fight isn’t bad but again could have been more. 

So yeah, this one of those movies I appreciate what it could have been more than what we got. I don’t agree with Raimi who called awful. It’s watchable and makes those three movies a satisfying trilogy. It just could have been so much more. 

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